Free Sample from the Axelrology Anthology Series...


27 Ways to Be More...

Marketable, Profitable & Successful!


© 1997, 2002 by Axelrod Learning, All Rights Reserved

1. Don't surf the short-term fads - catch the wave of long-term trends. Don't be seduced by the latest, greatest, hottest and newest money-making deals. If you jump in and out of different businesses, you lose cred-ability, respect-ability and loyalty. People see you as a gambler, not a long-term player. Consistency and predict-ability are two cornerstones of a successful business. Find a business you can ride for the next five, 10 or 20 years.

See Millennium Mania: A Tidal Wave of Change - 10 Trends Shaping the 21st Century...

2. In an information economy, it pays to be in an information business. Alvin Toffler says, "Of all the resources for creating wealth, none is more vital or versatile than knowledge." Information is a billion dollar business. If you have knowledge people want or need (and will pay for), organize it and sell it. If you don't, find someone who does and offer to market it (start by calling me).

3. Get rich in a niche by scratching their ITCH. You are in the I.T.C.H. business - Information, Transportation, Communication and Help. Everyone today is either a gateway for information or a roadblock. Your product or service is a vehicle that helps transport them where they want to go. Communicating your message is the critical competency, and helping is the reason you're in business. The more people you scratch, the richer you get.

4. INTEGRATE or disintegrate! Marketing, sales and service is one continuous process, not three different departments. Marketing is the fuel - sales is the engine - and the customer drives the bus. You wouldn't put diesel fuel in a combustion engine - so don't fill your sales tank using marketing methods that cause sales conversion to sputter. Regardless of how good your marketing and lead generation may be, you're wasting a lot of time and money if you can't convert prospects into customers. Integrate your marketing, sales and service.

5. Anybody can buy a business - but only one person out of 20 can build one. Only 5% of all businesses survive for 10 years or more (profitably, that is). To be in the top 5%, find a business you're committed to and happy to work for the long haul. Overnight success has a funny way of taking 10 years (or more). You will get there, you're just not yet there!

"If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great."
Jimmy Dugan, Manager - Georgia Peaches from the movie A League of Their Own

6. Dig your well before you're thirsty
. Harvey Mackay says, "2 a.m. is a lousy time to make new friends." When you really need a friend, it's too late to make a friend. Nurture your network like a farmer nurtures his fields.

7. Create a WOW! experience. Don't just satisfy your customers - blow them away. Muhammed Ali said, "Service to others is the rent I pay for my room here on Earth." Master your service-ability. Next week, focus on maximizing benefit, value and service 1st, profit 2nd. See how people respond when you WOW 'em. Then call me on Friday and let me know what happened.

8. To reach your audience, use impact, frequency, and a medium they prefer. Impact gets attention (hit 'em with your best shot - right up front). Frequency of contact keeps their attention (communicate often and add value every time). Medium builds interest. Ask them if they like to read it, listen to it, watch it, download it, hear it over the phone, or get it face-to-face. Deliver your message in their favorite medium. Forget facts and features - talk emotions and benefits. Become sensory attuned.

9. Find the HUNGRY FISH. Fish eat when they're hungry, not when you happen to drop the line. People are like fish - the best bait in the world won't lure them if they aren't hungry. Great marketing and selling is like fishing. When they're hungry, any bait will work. It's important to know what and why people buy - it's even more crucial to know WHEN they buy.

10. Sell people what they want, not what you want them to have. Convincing people to buy what they don't want is business suicide. Stop pitching, presenting and persuading. Start asking people what they want, and listening carefully. If you don't have it, help them get it. People always remember who helps them.

11. Don't try to convert the heathens. Build your following from true believers. Are you missionary in your zeal to get everyone to buy-in to your product, service, issue, cause or venture? This is an exercise in futility. If you try to reach everybody, you'll appeal to nobody. Ask, "Who am I best suited to serve?" Target your best prospects for maximum penetration.

12. Get 75% or more of new business from 100% of existing customers. Getting a customer is the most expensive part of a business. Maximize your profit from every customer by giving them the chance to buy again, upgrade, add-on, accessorize. Turn your biggest fans into marketing associates. Ask them to give you powerful testimonials, ringing endorsements and MEGA-referrals.

13. Get rid of your skepticism and cynicism - it's rooted in mental junk. Your doubts are the product not of accurate thinking, but conditioned and habitual thinking. If you must doubt something, doubt your limits. Go out and stretch yourself this week.

"No matter how qualified and deserving we are, we will never reach a better life until we imagine for ourselves and allow ourselves to have it."
Richard Bach

14. More of the same gets you more of the same. Try different and better. Sometimes trying harder is dumb. Practicing a bad golf swing more isn't likely to improve your game. Sales managers who tell salespeople to make more calls (to more heathens) will surely accelerate failure and hasten their departure. Things that worked in the past lose their serviceability. Break out of your routines. Instead of doing more of the same, try doing something different and better.

15. Increase your income 33%, THIS YEAR! Grow new sales, average profit per sale, and repeat sales by just 10% each and make a quantum leap in your top line revenue.

16. To eat for a lifetime, don't learn how to fish. Learn how to network. If I give you $10, you will eat today. If I help you improve your network-ability, you can eat for a lifetime. Exchange networks with someone every month.

17. BUY your way into key relationships. Vultures pick brains. Nobody likes a vulture. The information highway is a two way street. Find a way to give or trade something of value with someone who helps you. If you can't, pay them. Good advice is not cheap. Cheap advice is not usually good. You can't always be an expert, but you can always hire an expert. Don't penny-pinch when it comes to buying knowledge. Pay top dollar for good advice and counsel. It's worth it.

18. Greatness is often measured in singles, not home runs. Baseball keeps a record of lifetime .300 hitters. It's called the Hall of Fame. The difference between a .298 and .300 batting average is one more hit every 500 at bats - about one hit a season. The razor-thin line between very, very good and great is one single a year.

19. Avoid 10 killers of human potential. Ignorance, certainty, arrogance, anger, rigidity, denial, attachment, jealousy, ego and especially, fear are beliefs, behaviors, attitudes and emotions that compromise health, limit success and fulfillment, and sabotage happiness, enjoyment and well-being. Do your best to disarm these killers.

20. Master your communic-ability. All of life is communication. Your business success is directly linked to your ability to send and receive messages that attract people, resources and opportunities to you. There is no more important Success-Ability to develop than the life skill of personal communication.

21. To become a great player, you need a great supporting cast. Great players don't win championships alone - they need great teams and great coaches. Great movies need great supporting actors. Who's your supporting cast? Complement yourself with and through other people who can bring out your best.

22. Who you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying. Cred-ability and respect-ability are earned, and no amount of money can buy them back once they're lost. You may only get one chance to make a first impression - but every day you get a chance to build upon your reputation. What are people saying about you?

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

23. Are you getting paid what you're really worth? Most people sell themselves short. Do you? A major reason people earn far less than they deserve or are capable of is because they don't know how to sell themselves, and ask for what they want. Don't let others tell you what you're worth. Value yourself according to what you bring, not what the job pays. Learn to sell yourself comfortably and confidently. Your economic future depends upon it.

24. The market pays for persistence and performance, not potential. Everyone has potential - but performance and results dictate payoff in the marketplace. If you want to increase your market value, work on your D-A-D factor. Enhance Demand for what you do, your Ability to do it, and the Difficulty of replacing you.

25. Don't go for what you think you can have, GO FOR WHAT YOU WANT! You will fire your passion and boost your self-esteem by going for what you really want. Your real limits are far beyond your artificial mental boundaries. It's better to have played and lost, than never to have played at all! Give yourself permission to soar, to dream, to risk.

26. The best jockeys aren't always the best jockeys - often, they just ride the best horses. Everybody needs a horse to ride. Where is your horse? If you have one already, ride it for all it's worth. If not, find a vehicle to take you where you want to go. Either way, I invite you to ride with me. Let's ride together!

27. The best compliment I ever got was "I want more of you.!" Do your customers want more of you? They will if you find your purpose and spark your passion. Don't live your life with a lukewarm heart. Your emotional force holds the power to carry you the distance. Make your work an act of love.

Final Note Your economic security is intrinsic - it's a reflection of your inner value. Your only security is inside of YOU. True economic security will be yours forever when you strengthen your core Success-Abilities™ - the vital life skills for the 21st century. Work to enhance and develop your market-ability, sales-ability, service-ability, support-ability, value-ability, finance-ability, communic-ability, adapt-ability and most of all, response-ability. Look inside for what's needed. Trust your instincts. Listen to yourself. Those are the sounds no one else can hear. Everything you need, right now, is inside YOU!

"The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his life and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving to others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him, he's always doing both." James Michener

Life is best when there is meaning, purpose, learning, growing, sharing, giving, loving and being!

Thank you for allowing me to experience these with you!

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