Announcing... An Axelrod Learning Exclusive!

Axelrology Anthology...
101 Ways to Boost Your Net Worth and... Your Self-Worth!


Here are 21 Examples and 3 Samples of 101 Ways to Boost Your Net Worth and... Your Self-Worth!

1. Need more income?
Increase Income 21-33% with These Three Simple Steps... How to Earn a Lifetime Income Working from Home... and Succeed and Prosper in the World of Information Marketing will show you how. So will the seven other reports and transcripts in the Money and Income category.

2. Want to be more highly paid? Dive right into Get Paid What You're Really Worth and 27 Ways to Be More Marketable, Profitable and Successful.

Read a sample: 27 Ways to Be More Marketable, Profitable and Successful!

3. Need more prospects? Take a Millionaire to Lunch!™ is the only networking approach you'll ever need. You'll talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime about anything in no time flat. And, when you use the Axelrology models and formulas for prospecting and marketing, you'll Fill Your Pipeline with Hungry Fish.™

4. Not enough sales? The Sales Alchemist™ makes house calls. Take a dose of Sales Alchemy™... Turning Customers into Gold and call us in the morning.

Read a sample of how Sales Alchemy Increases Customer Profit 300% to 900%...

5. Want more referrals (who doesn't)? You'll get a double dose of How to Get Powerful Testimonials, Ringing Endorsements and MEGA-Referrals! With the special report AND live training transcript you'll be getting referrals in record numbers and record time. And for good measure, you'll learn the inside secrets of why customers buy from YOU!

6. Ready to enhance your life skills? Success-Abilities™... 21 Life Skills for the 21st Century are your power tools. You'll get 15 articles, newsletters, coaching lessons, special reports and transcripts that can transform your life skills for business, and business skills for life. Enhance your market-ability, adapt-ability, value-ability, communic-ability, coach-ability, sales-ability, service-ability and cap-ability. Get four different reports and transcripts that will increase your profit-ability, and the entire 10-part series on how to lift your leverage-ability.

With 15 documents, this SUCCESS-ABILITIES™ category by itself is worth many times your investment.

7. Use your time better... How to Use Your Time in the Highest and Best Way makes time your servant, not your master. Use the Time and Activity Worksheets. Take 5 to 10 minutes to find 5 to 10 more productive hours each week.

8. Want to get back on track for what really matters to you? Use the RAMM Formula™ for Success every day and stay firmly on course for getting what you want out of life.

9. Relax and slow down... This is a major challenge today. Use the Time and Life Priority Sheets to block out more time each week to slow down and relax without losing performance.

10. Feel sluggish and lack energy... Our Special Health Alert will show you how to Eliminate Pain and Suffering and Be Alive! Find out how to dramatically improve your health for as little as $1.17 a day (57¢ for teens, 27¢ for children)!

11. Like to conquer the fear of rejection? Any of the 13 Ways to Lower Resistance and Eliminate Rejection will do the trick.

12. Eager to improve your networking results? Network like a pro; talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime for anything when you practice Rejection-Proof Networking!

See the complete Axelrology Anthology here...

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13. Would you like more high paying corporate clients? Then review, How to Win and Keep Billion Dollar Clients and 21 Secrets to Hook the BIG Fish right away (special bonus reports)!

14. Trouble with self-promotion? Get rid of it with, How to Overcome the Fear of Self-Promotion!

15. Wasting time with tire-kickers? Not anymore. As soon as you start using the 7 Steps to Qualify a Prospect you'll start finding the Hungry Fish™ and stop wasting time with people trying to kick the stuffing out of your profits.

16. Want more balance in life? Meditation + Motion = Mastery... Finding Your Center Point will give you better balance in the yin and yang of life.

17. Not sure what kind of work to do... next? Plug into Millennium Mania... the 10 Trends Shaping the 21st Century and let them be your guide!

Read a sample of Millennium Mania... the 10 Trends Shaping the 21st Century!

18. Stressed about a decision or life issue? Read one of the 10 Ways to Make Good Decisions Without Stressing Out every day for the next 10 days... then make the decision! Email me and let me know what happened.

19. Stuck in a recession rut? Employ one or more of the 10 Ways to Survive and Prosper in a Recession and you'll pull yourself up by the bootstraps.

20. Not sure what business is hot, and what's NOT? See if yours is one of the... 10 Hot Business and Income Opportunities, Right Now!

21. Not happy and satisfied with your work? Maybe you're ready for a change. Until then, be peaceful about it. Make your work a labor of love... Love What You Do Until You Do What You Love!

22. Is perfectionism slowing you down? Stop waiting to get it perfect: start getting it going. Read the Paradox of Perfection and you'll be energized into action.  

23. Looking for a little boost in confidence? Find the quickest way; Know Yourself... 46 Capacities for Higher Performance and don't forget every day to Pat Yourself on the Back!

24. Ready to stop spinning your wheels? Then get a tune up with, Release the Brakes, Stop Spinning Your Wheels!

25. Feeling like the right opportunity hasn't come your way? See all the poss-abilities you can capitalize on when you Put Yourself into the Path of Opportunity.

OK. I got carried away. There's 25 here. AND... there's 76 more in this anthology.

Are you ready to experience more out of your life, livelihood and living?

Is it time to enjoy more of the intrinsic value of life itself?

Do you want to work at a livelihood that brings you joy?

Is it time to tap the amazing abundance of the universe, make a better living and provide your unique service and value?

If you'd like to resolve challenges, harvest and capitalize on opportunities, I urge you to invest in yourself. Get the answers to your challenges at your finger tips.

Whether it's mind-set, motivation or method, life, livelihood or living, mind, body or spirit, marketing, sales and service, top, middle and bottom line, you'll find a whole lot here to make it all work better.

What's it's worth to solve one big problem, and harvest one more opportunity?

If you only use a handful of the articles, coaching, newsletters, worksheets, reports or transcripts in this anthology, it will pay for itself several times over. For the rest of your life, this library will be one of your most valuable and often used resources.

Share this with your children and add value to their real world education.

You have a lifetime library of work at your fingertips.

Whatever the challenge or opportunity, you've got more than 101 solutions just a mouse click away.

****Click here and save $52 on the Anthology compact disk special...****

See the complete Axelrology Anthology here...