Announcing... An Axelrod Learning Exclusive!

Axelrology Anthology...
101 Ways to Boost Your Net Worth and... Your Self-Worth!

Solve Problems, Harvest Opportunities and Earn More!

How would life be better for you if you could...

If any one or more of these is important to you, then I urge you to get your hands on our special anniversary Anthology.

Read 21 Examples and 3 Samples of how these 101 ways will boost your net worth and your self-worth...

See the complete Anthology here...

****Click here and save $52 on the Anthology compact disk special...****

I had a major aha with the help of my good friends Mike and Ken.

Thank you Mike Olie, a.k.a. Sir Paul of Livermore, the hand's down Beatlefest contest winner for best Paul McCartney lookalike.

Thank you Ken Kerr, our own Mr. Disney, the project manager who directed Walt Disney's pet project called EPCOT Center, along with Disney Japan and lots of little lovables we all know like the Gummi Bears, Wuzzles, Dancing Raisins and dozens of their cousins.

Two great and wise friends. We were brainstorming, trying to get a handle on something has been slipping through our hands for quite some time. I invite you to ask yourself these questions, too.

What is it that makes me UNIQUE?

How do I best benefit others?

How can I do maximum good (preferably, at minimum cost)?

One night in my sleep the answer magically, mythically, mystically came to me...

Our clients have PROBLEMS... so, we find SOLUTIONS.
They also have OPPORTUNITIES... so, we come up with ways to HARVEST the BOUNTY.

Over the past 20 years, we've uncovered and shared hundreds of ways to solve problems and harvest the bounty.

How I'm unique and best benefit others is being able to...

How do I do maximum good, preferably at minimum cost?

Assemble a "best of" anthology and put it all on a single compact disk. Compile the most effective life skills for business, and business skills for life and make them available at the click of a mouse.

Today's technology enables us to put a massive collection of work on the proverbial head of a pin.

We took our very best pieces of work that...

In ONE PLACE, we put together our best...

101 Ways to Boost Your Net Worth and... Your Self-Worth!

Whether YOU are a company of "one" and work for yourself, or you work inside a company owned by someone else, the BOTTOM LINE is you want to enhance performance, impact profits and boost your personal income.

****Click here and save $52 on the Anthology compact disk special...****

Read 21 Examples and 3 Samples of the 101 ways to boost net worth and self-worth...

See the complete Axelrology Anthology here...