Order the Axelrology Anthology and GET...
101 Ways to Boost Your Net Worth and... Your Self-Worth!


Put this lifetime library to work. Have 101 solutions at your fingertips for the rest of your life.

Whatever the challenge or opportunity, you've got more than 101 solutions just a mouse click away.

31 SPECIAL REPORTS are in blue.
20 TRANSCRIPTS are in red.


See the complete Axelrology Anthology here...

You have two Axelrology Anthology compact disks to choose:

***Great Choice... Anthology 101 includes:

50 Articles, Newsletters and Worksheets
20 Coaching Lessons
31 Special Reports

Plus these Three Extra Gifts with Anthology 101:

1 - 7 Steps to Consulting Excellence... How to Be a Consultant of Choice

2 - Win and Keep Billion Dollar Clients... 21 Secrets to Hook the BIG Fish

3 - Customer Survey... Use this to get critical feedback and testimonials from customers!

AND this Bonus Audio Tape... "How to License Products for Fun and Profit!"
Friends of Axelrod Learning invest only... $101 (plus $9 S & H) for a total of $110 USD.

Order Anthology 101 now for only $101 (get three gifts plus bonus audio)...

***BEST CHOICE... Anthology 201 (only 200 available) includes:

50 Articles, Newsletters and Worksheets
20 Coaching Lessons
31 Special Reports
20 Training Transcripts

Plus these Seven Extra Gifts with Anthology 201:

1 - 7 Steps to Consulting Excellence... How to Be a Consultant of Choice

2 - Win and Keep Billion Dollar Clients... 21 Secrets to Hook the BIG Fish

3 - Customer Survey... Use this to get critical feedback and testimonials from customers!

4 - Six Figure Corporate Proposal... Actual proposal used to secure a $93,000 corporate contract.

5 - Business & Profit Improvement Survey... How to Attract and Qualify Hot Leads

6 - 6 Keys to Target Your Market... Worksheets to pinpoint your best prospects with precision.

7 - Time and Activity Chart... Time Productivity Worksheets - Do More in Less Time!

PLUS the Bonus Tape... "How to License Products for Fun and Profit!"

AND... Four Hours of Live Q & A teleconferences where YOU get to ask all the questions.

Friends of Axelrod Learning invest only... $201 (plus $11 S & H) for a total of $212 USD.

LIMITED TIME and QUANTITY on Anthology 201...

We're only producing 201 of the special commemorative Anthology 201 compact disks. I'm keeping the first one off the press. The other 200 disks are available. When they're gone, that's it.

We want to make this so attractive you won't have to think twice about trading a modest amount of money for this vein of gold.

So here's an added incentive to get one of these 200 limited edition commemorative Anthology 201 disks:

Act within the NEXT 72 HOURS, and SAVE AN ADDITIONAL $52!

**** Invest ONLY $149 for the whole enchilada! ****







FOUR TELE-CONFERENCES where you get to ask ALL the questions...

All for ONLY $149!

Order Anthology 201 Now... get EVERYTHING for only $149 (only 200 available)...

I can't begin to put a real value on this. IF you bought every one of these for full price, you'd pay thousands of dollars.

Solve one problem, harvest one opportunity and this collection can be worth thousands of dollars to you, maybe more.

We're only producing 200 of these commemorative Anthology 201 compact disks. You'd have to agree, at this price it's a steal of a deal.

Reserve one for only $149 and be sure you don't miss out...

This is the very best value we've ever offered; period. But don't wait. This invitation is going out to 6,266 clients and members of our community like you. When the 200 are taken, this production run is sold out.

Reserve your disk today. Be sure to get your own copy. You really can't go wrong.

While you've got the chance, grab an extra disk and give a special gift to someone you care about.

Great Choice: Order Anthology 101 now for only $101 (get three gifts plus bonus audio)...

BEST CHOICE: Order Anthology 201... get EVERYTHING for only $149 (only 200 available)...

Compact disk (and bonus audio tape) will be shipped in four to six weeks.
You'll get the special gifts by email before the disk and audio are shipped.

Teleconference series will commence about 30 days after disk and audio are shipped.