A Power of Threes™ Special Report...

The "Third Wave" of Human Evolution!

A New Model for Living in an
Inter-Dependent World!


A memo from the desk of Mitch Axelrod
July 4, 2000
Happy Inter-Dependence Day!


I'm writing this today as a way of declaring that I'm back in the game, AND...
I'm inviting us to play together.


For the last three years, I've been out of the mainstream, raising Adam full-time. I've also spent a more than a thousand hours studying, interviewing, coaching, researching and writing.

What I've discovered transformed my life. It's time to share it with you.

To celebrate Independence Day, 2000, I've completed a series of free reports about achieving real freedom and true independence in life.

Check out these New Special Reports

One piece, "Hooked" on Learning™... is about a new model of business success that is taking shape as the new century kicks into gear.

"Hooked" on Learning also frames the mission of Axelrod Learning and explains my purpose in communicating with you, and the direction we're headed as a learning organization. Learning is a lifelong process.

I'm "hooked on learning from cradle to grave... and BEYOND!"™

In the 21st century, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are more about "inter-dependence" than the independence our fore-fathers courageously declared in the 18th century.

We have entered the Age of Inter-Dependence!

We no longer live in an independent country - we live in an inter-dependent world.

A few years ago, I spent a weekend in a session with best-selling Chicken Soup authors Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield. I heard Mark say something that could be the theme of the Age of Inter-Dependence:

I live life alone, but I can't do it by myself!

For the past few years, I've devoted my life to parenting Adam full-time. He's 11 now, and I'm very pleased to say I am more proud of him than anything else in my life. I spent much of the rest of my time researching and studying, especially the science of Axiology, fascinating and breakthrough work on human values, and a powerful philosophy for living.

I've interviewed hundreds of people, and been interviewed on radio and in magazines. I've attended conferences (as a student, and a teacher), coached and been coached, and conducted dozens of tele-conferences with as many as 300 people on the phone at once.

In 1999, I signed on to host an Internet radio show on the Success-Talk Channel to bring my message to people by way of Internet radio. Also, my goal is to expose inidividuals and companies who are doing important or innovative work, by doing Expert Interviews™ with them. IF YOU have something to say, a new product or service to offer, or who want to promote your issue or cause in the most powerful communications and cost-effective marketing medium ever created - the Internet - consider doing an Expert Interview.

As I was taking stock these past three years, I realized I have million dollar products sitting on the shelf. No kidding. These products SHOULD be earning hundreds of thousands of dollars - even millions. I don't have a nose for making maximum money. My nose is into other things, like research and development, creating and writing, speaking and coaching.

DO YOU HAVE A NOSE FOR MAKING MONEY? Let's put our noses together. EMAIL me.
We'll work Inter-Dependently.

To celebrate the Age of INTER-DEPENDENCE, I've been practicing this mantra:

The Way I Bring the HIGHEST and BEST I Have,

I used the most accurate scientific tool to identify what I value most and do best.

What I do best is create, develop, and articulate new ways of seeing and solving old problems. That's where I put my attention these past few years. Because my attention has been elsewhere, these million dollar products are lying dormant. I'm thrilled to say we've reached a million people in the US and 25 countries. BUT we haven't even scratched the surface.

There's a diamond mine here, and it needs someone to go in and carry out the gems.
No real heavy lifting - maybe just move a little dirt. Most everything else is done.

I dig. You carry! It's a modern version of chop wood, carry water.

I dig... I develop and turnkey a million dollar product - a product one very BIG insurance company paid $350,000 just to film and license from me.

You Carry... You Own this million dollar product, ROYALTY-FREE, and KEEP 100% of the profits.

I've also been writing like a maniac - literally, thousands of pages of notes, articles, reports, business plans, newsletters, coaching memos, transcribed speeches, lectures, and training.

I couldn't hold back from a good sized dump!

I've stored up quite a load these past three years. You can't expect me to hold it in forever.

So, here is good sized dump of our initiatives that will enrich your life...

I've forayed into VIRTUAL BOOK LAND.

Sales Alchemy... Turining Your Customers Into Gold! is now available as an "E" Book - an electronic book - that you download to your email box and print out instantly. But don't be fooled - this "VIRTUAL" book PRODUCES REAL RESULTS.

I'm outlining and framing three other books that we'll be publishing this year and next.

YOUR STORIES WILL BE IN THESE BOOKS. In the coming weeks, I'll share with you how you can submit your stories to us.

After nearly 10 years on the road, 75-100 days as a speaker, trainer and consultant, I got off the road in 1997. I've been pretty low profile for the past three years- re-defining my life, re-creating my livelihood and re-vising the way I earn my living.

Life - livelihood - living.

An INTER-Dependent Life!

Financially, it can be a challenge to work first, to create a life you love, and integrate that into a livelihood that fulfills you, and a living that supports you. Living a life as our first choice IS true north, but the pulls of our cultural conditioning that reverse this value order are strong.

We are deeply conditioned, even "imprinted" to put living ahead of life.

We are taught directly and indirectly from early childhood to do something practical, with our lives and especially with our work.

Somewhere along the way, making a good living became a higher priority than making a good life.

In the Age of Inter-dependence, making a good life is now the highest priority. Making a good living comes from being practical. Making a good life comes from being passionate.

With women moving back into the workplace in record numbers these past 10 years, and especially with the explosion of women-owned businesses, household incomes are rising and roles are changing - really, transforming.

A generation ago, women stayed home and men worked. Ten years ago, women hit the workforce like a tidal wave. Today, the world applauds the woman who chooses to "stay at home" and raise her children full-time, even if as a result, it reduces their standard of living. Talk about whiplash.

It hasn't been the same for men. But it will be.

For a man, being out of work, under-employed or "at-home" runs counter to nature of the male work ethic. Our masculine conditioning is that the measure of a man's success is based upon how well he fills the roles of achiever, provider, and caretaker of the family. As men, we tend to equate our value with how well we hunt and gather, or rise and conquer, not how well we love and nurture.

We get public acclaim for boardroom fame, not for coaching the Little League game.

This not so subtle, and clear double-standard, an unspoken but accepted, role discrimination was THE WAY OF LIFE for most of the 20th century America. Fortunately, it is one of the major shifts of the new millennium - men at home.

It has always been acceptable, even desired for mommy to be "at home" with the kids, and daddy to go to work each day and bring home the bacon (or vege-burgers as the case may be). In the 1990's, it became part of our family culture for mommy to go out and bring home her own dough. To do this, mommy and daddy would send the kids out and spend most of that extra dough on daycare.

Who would have ever imagined it would cost more for mommy and daddy to put Suzy or Billy through through daycare than it cost mommy and daddy to go to college? It costs so much for mommy AND daddy to work that for some, it actually "pays" for one to stay at home with the kids.

Children need their parents, and at the same time, need to learn independence.
NOW, they also need to learn to be, inter-dependent!

But a funny thing happened on the way to the new millennium. It suddenly became cool for daddy to stay home with the kids, and mommy to go out and bring home the bacon. The courts reward more "joint parenting" for moms and dads than ever before, and we even seem to have shaken that warm and fuzzy label, "Deadbeat Dad!"

One of the biggest regrets people seem to have when they look back on their lives is wishing they would have spent more time with the people they loved and doing the things that really mattered. We can (and will) make more money, but it's impossible to get the time back once it's gone.

As a culture, we've become very goal-directed, work-oriented, and success-absorbed. We put careers ahead of families, and success ahead of self-satisfaction. BUT, things are shifting.

More and more of us are saying...

"That Little League game IS as important as the boardroom fame!"

We're beginning to understand that,

"Raising ONE child is more vital to our future than launching another Internet IPO!"

Fame and fortune cannot take the place of love of family and the joy of relationships.

How did all this happen? Changing roles for men as well as women, and transformed hearts and minds. We finally get it that dads are as important as moms, and women in the workforce are as capable as men. Women CAN be successful as business people and leaders, and men CAN be successful at caretaking and nurturing. The Age of Inter-dependence demands the cross-over of roles.

The Age Inter-Dependence... the "third wave" of human evolution!

The first wave was dependence - the norm during the agricultural society of the 18th and 19th centuries, and the industrial society of the first half of the 20th century. People worked "for" someone else, and depended upon that company for security and econcomic survival. We looked to authority to protect us, and the government to "socially" secure us.

The second wave was independence - came into being in the second half of the 20th century, and expoded on the scene during the go-go '80s. With technology, the information age and "free-agent" society, the second wave of independence hit critical mass in the 1990's. The NEW American dream isn't home ownership, it is BUSINESS OWNERSHIP. More people than ever want to be self-employed and independent - and live life as an entrepreneur.

The third wave is INER-DEPENDENCE - the human state of trying to cope with a world of billions of people, new choices and alternatives spiralling out of control, life moving at the speed of light, where nobody can keep up with the impossible pace of information explosion and unprecedented change. Anthony Newley recorded a hit song that expresses life more accurately in the year 2000 than it did when it was recorded in the1960's...

"Stop the world... I wanna get off!"

It's no accident that Montana and Wyoming are experiencing population explosions.

For me, this July 4, 2000, brings a new and special meaning for Independence Day, and with it a new paradigm for living that's emerging in the 21st century.

A big part of this new paradigm is how "men at home" will impact and effect the future of our families and children. As a stay-at-home dad (and single <><>), I've been living this for eight years.

Adam is now 11, spreading his wings, experiencing independence and learning life skills. It's time for dad to step back on the field, and bring what he has to offer to the world.

My commitment is to live every day as Inter-dependence Day.

So today, July 4, 2000, to commemorate this Third Wave of Evolution, I celebrate...
Inter-dependence Day!

Life, livelihood and living are more inter-connected than ever. The paradox of the new paradigm for living in the 21st century is that although we do it by ourselves, we cannot do it alone. We do it together. Inter-Dependently.

So, I went back into the laboratory to invent, really... RE-Invent my work and livelihood. I took three years to hone, develop and fine-tune the tips, tools, and technologies I learned that transform lives.

NOW, my livelihood is about transforming lives.

I'm pleased to announce that I am available to speak, consult and train, again.
We are unveiling many NEW and exciting tools for living that are transforming lives.

I personally invite you to share in the bounty with us.

There is something very valuable and vital here - for you and me!

I do know and appreciate that money is a necessity, but my primary reason for being is not money-driven. I have earned a pretty good penny at different times in my 21 years of self-employment. When I got off the merry-go-round in 1997, I was a fairly highly paid speaker, trainer and consultant (my daily fee was $4,000 to travel somewhere, $3,000 if I could drive there). That's pretty good money, and very hard to replace if you don't speak, train or consult. I've been paid more than one million dollars for one training system I wrote and developed. I've signed quite a few six-figure contracts and dozens of five-figure contracts. I don't say this to blow my horn, but to demonstrate that I know how to earn money.

These past few years, thought, I got away from what made my best living. During the years where money has been lean (like the last few), I had my attention on other areas of life.

As the old story goes, I've been broke, but NEVER POOR. I've been very Inter-dependent. I have been immersed in applying new knowledge, and gaining insights to find and fulfill the best within me.

I have identified very powerful and practical, applicable, usable, workable tips, tools and technologies, that if applied, will enrich your life, enliven your livelihood, and enhance your standard of living (in money AND all other dimensions of wealth).

I am committed to you to bring the best you have, to whatever you do.

In the process, you receive the best the marketplace has to offer. This applies to me, too. I am ready to make a good living, again, AND, even more important, leave a good legacy.

I choose to share some of my work for free, and make the rest of it available for fee.

You can choose what you want, choose when you want it and need it, and where possible, you'll have it with the click of a mouse, instantly.

I'm very excited about these new technologies for living life like it really matters.

Inter-Dependently! We help one another, because we NEED one another.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my NEW world with you. I invite you to do the same.

Let's celebrate the NEW Age of Inter-Dependence together.

Feel free to call me (1-973-736-1304) or, email me. I'd love to hear from you.

I look forward to riding the third wave with you!

Mitch Axelrod

Read about new opportunities to live inter-dependently in the world

Enrich Your life, Enliven Your Livelihood and Earn a More Prosperous Living!

Check out these NEW Special Reports