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Bring Your Highest and Best Value to
the MarketPlace, and Increase Your Income for Years to Come Scientifically! A proven approach that boosts your market value and personal income, with the steadiness and precision of an expert marksman! Tap Your Greatest Strengths, Increase Your Market Value, Add Thousands of Dollars to Your Income, and Re-Energize Your Life and Livelihood. Join tens of thousands of others who have seen their personal, career and business results take off. Don't wait another minute. Dear Friend: There are two startling trends that will have a huge impact on your future: 1- If you work for yourself or have your own business today, the odds your business will still be in business in the year 2005, PROFITABLY that is, are only 1 in 5. It's even more of a long shot - 1 in 25 - that in 10 years, 2010, your company will still be around. Even the "big boys" - the major corporations - lack staying power. Most companies in the Fortune 500 turn over every 10 to 20 years. Only one company that was in business at the start of the 20th century will start the 21st century still in business - General Electric. 2- If you work for someone else, it is even more likely you won't be with them in five years. The average job cycle for people in the workforce today is down to 3.5 years. A high school or college graduate entering the workforce today faces a workplace that will cause him or her to change careers - not just jobs, but CAREERS - five to seven times over the next 40 + years. On average, that means a CAREER change every 5 to 10 years. Think about how many people you know, yourself included, who are doing the exact same work today they did five years ago? What is the likelihood you will be doing the same job five years from now? Most people I talk to tell me they are looking to make a change within the next year or two, and have intention of waiting four or five years. There is a higher level of job and work dissatisfaction than there's ever been, despite low unemployment and a marketplace of expanding opportunities. In this workplace swirling with change, one million people will start up a new business this year. The sad truth is, 800,000 of them will be "out of business" in five years. Here is the new reality for the new millennium: the workplace as we knew it is gone forever. We are in the age of The Virtual Entrepreneur - a New Workface for the 21st Century Workplace. We must think, plan, act and work as if we own the business, whether we do or don't. If you cannot contribute to the growth and profit of your company, you are vulnerable and ultimately, expendable. This is even more critical if you DO own the company. You CAN boost your success and ensure long-term stability when you know your greatest value! The very first thing to do is assess your best strengths and most valuable assets. Whether an entrepreneur, intra-preneur or a hybrid of both, to bring your highest and best value to the marketplace, and maximize your financial payoff, you must get a true handle on your best strengths, and where you can contribute your greatest value. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO EMBRACE IN THE 21ST CENTURY WORKPLACE IS THATÖ ECONOMIC SECURITY IS INTRINSIC. IT'S INSIDE US! SECURITY IS NOT IN THE JOB, THE COMPANY, THE INDUSTRY OR ANY OTHER OUTSIDE FORCE. OUR INTRINSIC WORTH (SELF-ESTEEM AND PERSONAL SATISFACTION), IS MEASURED BY WHO WE BECOME, AND OUR EXTRINSIC VALUE (MARKET VALUE AND ECONOMIC SUCCESS) IS BASED UPON WHAT WE CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE WORK PLACE. YOUR WISDOM AND EXPERIENCE, YOUR TOOL BOX AND LIFE SKILLS, ARE THE MOST VALUABLE ASSETS YOU TAKE WITH YOU FROM JOB TO JOB, COMPANY TO COMPANY, CAREER TO CAREER, BUSINESS VENTURE TO BUSINESS VENTURE. Knowing and tapping your greatest values, skills, abilities and strengths enables you to know what you're worth in the marketplace. When you know what you're worth, you can ask for what you want, and get it. NOW, you can measure, identify and develop your greatest strengths with amazing accuracy, and use them to produce powerful results. The Career Value Profile will tilt the playing field in your favor. Whether you are an entrepreneur or intrapreneur, the Career ValueProfile zeroes in on your strengths, and identifies your highest and best talents and abilities with pinpoint precision. It enables you to measure, with absolute certainty, your potential for performing the 25 most critical competencies and capacities necessary to build and prosper in your business as an entrepreneur, or to advance in your career as an intra-preneur. There is no other too that can accomplish this with this level of scientific precision. The Career Value Profile is guaranteed to help you turn your business or career around - regardless of how successful you are at the moment - whether you are brand new to the workplace, or a seasoned veteran. It is the ONLY instrument of its kind - developed and refined over 50 years by Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Robert Hartman and his protégé - that can hit the bulls eye of the target every time with the accuracy of a thermometer registering temperature, or a ruler measuring an inch. Read what people say about the powerful results they are getting using the Value Profile The Career Value Profile will identify your: Potential for Making Good Decisions This comprehensive personal asset inventory and review can help you: End frustration and conflict in your daily routine, You get invaluable insights that will enable you to maximize your personal strengths and avoid pitfalls. Read how this one-of-a-kind tool was developed and why it works with pinpoint precision: About the Profile. Self Knowledge Is the Key to Your Success and
Satisfaction... Knowing yourself is perhaps the most critical information you can have in any aspect of life. It is especially critical for the complexities of owning and running a successful business, and the increasing challenge of advancing your career in today's marketplace. No skill, product knowledge or personality trait has as much potential for influencing your personal success as having a clear and honest understanding of yourself and those areas you value most. The Career ValueProfile will help you: Identify Your Natural Thinking Patterns: You will become aware of how the natural biases in your thinking affect your ability to make decisions. Recognize Your Predominant Decision Style: You will learn how your thinking patterns affect your ability to turn your decisions into actions. Develop Positive Performance Attitudes: You will recognize how your beliefs and attitudes may inhibit your ability to benefit from your talents. Apply Your Natural Talents: You will gain insights into how you can make more effective use of your natural talents and improve your personal performance. The Career Value Profile will increase your odds for success and enhance your personal satisfaction. For decades, home ownership was the number one goal of most people. Now, BUSINESS ownership is at the top of the list. Becoming an effective entrepreneur (one who organizes, operates and assumes the risk for a business venture) demands a wide range of skills and aptitudes. Many people who have been very successful working for others, assume that they can use their skills to make it on their own. While this may be true for you, there are ways to predict and improve your chance of success - with a high degree of certainty - whether you're in business already, or plan to start one. Many of these are the same characteristics also necessary to advance your career in your current work. As most people do not have strengths in the full range of skills necessary, we must know how to complement and leverage ourselves with and through others, whether we work for ourselves or someone else. Research has revealed that the most critical characteristics for career success include: Knowing What To Do - the ability to identify crucial issues, to see, understand and plan for future consequences of decisions and actions. Knowing How To Do It - the ability to see what needs to be done, who needs to do it and how it can best be accomplished. Planning and Organizing - the ability to identify the short and long range needs and implications of a situation, to set goals which are realistic and to develop plans of action which will attain these goals in an effective and efficient manner. Getting Things Done - the ability to focus ones energy on tasks and follow them through to completion while dealing with all the related stresses and strains, without losing direction. Working Through Others - the ability to work with others in a positive, cooperative and supportive manner, seeing and appreciating their value and uniqueness. Here's a description of the 25 capacities measured by the Career Value Profile. Success doesnít require you to excel in all these arenas, or possess all these characteristics. You maximize your full potential when you take advantage of every strength you have, without letting your deficits get in the way. How? You others who can complement you in your development areas. This is true for everyone, entrepreneurs and intra-preneurs alike. Using the Career Value Profile you can: * Identify how the biases in your thinking affect your
decisions Learning to make the most of what youíve got starts with an objective self assessment. The Career ValueProfile wonít let you fool yourself. Self understanding and acceptance of who you are is the first and most important step you can take to identify and achieve your goals. It is truly liberating and exhilarating to know with certainty, what you value, and where your highest and best talents can bring you the greatest rewards. THIS IS NOT A PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAM, NOR A "TEST" OF ANY KIND. It is a simple, 15-minute process in which you rank order two sets of 18 items from best to worst. That's it. The computer then mathematically "profiles" your strengths and areas for development, and reports back to you how your unique personal values match up against the 25 core capacities and competencies necessary to advance your career or be a (more) successful entrepreneur. It's actually quite remarkable. Most people are truly fascinated by the process, and blown away by the results. The Value Profile uses the science of axiology - the science and mathematics of value measurement. It is the ONLY tool that can measure your potential for business and career success with mathematical precision. To read more about how the science of axiology works, read about the... Science of Values. A Special Opportunity for YOU to hit the ground running! To get this career success profile, along with private coaching, companies and big corporations invest from $350 to $750 per person, depending upon the amount of personal coaching or group feedback they want. This has been a great investment for small and medium sized businesses, corporations, managers and executives, professionals and self-employed people who run their own companies. This is a big investment for individuals, sole-practitioners and home business owners. Now, through the end of this month, YOU can get this phenomenal profile, regularly $149, ONLY $99 (plus $3 shipping). AND as a premium, you get two hours of group tele-coaching and two very special reports FREE. Our aim is to enable every entrepreneur AND intra-preneur to gain the insights and benefits of tapping your greatest strengths, and make this powerful tool part of your annual planning and Self development. At this price, you can't afford NOT TO do this. I strongly encourage you to do this, NOW! As a special Millennium BOOST... We have arranged for you to get your own personalized profile, and the audio cassette of a two hour tele-coaching and training to interpret the profile. In these two hours, you'll hear experts with more than 75 years of combined coaching and training experience in the fields of human values and personal development brainstorm with others on how to get the most from your value profile. Here's what you get: 1- Your own personalized Career Value Profile ($149 value)
which includes: 2- Two-hour powerhouse tele-conference on audio cassette ($37 value), "How to Use Your Greatest Strengths to Be More Valuable, Marketable and Profitable!" You'll hear how to use your untapped potential to add tens of thousands of dollars to your living, and have more fun and enjoyment in your livelihood. You'll discover how to better use your unique talents, abilities and one-of-a-kind profile to boost your results, advance your career, and increase your income by tens of thousands of dollars in the coming years. You will bring more of your highest and best value to the marketplace, and get more joy and satisfaction from your livelihood. 3- Special report ($20 value), "27 Ways to Be More Marketable, Profitable and Successful, THIS YEAR!" This report outlines 27 pearls of wisdom you can use right away to enhance your market value, business profits and personal success. You get this report by email as soon as you enroll for your own personalized Career Value Profile. ACT THIS WEEK and YOU get an added bonus! A complete transcript ($29 value),"How to Increase Your Income 33%, THIS YEAR!" This detailed word-for-word transcript of a one hour tele-training will show you how to use your SEVEN MOST POWERFUL LEVERAGE POINTS to increase your income 33%. Enroll this week and you'll have BOTH REPORTS in your email box by next Monday morning. To sum up this special program, you get 1- Your own personalized Career Value Profile ($149 value). Enroll today, and get the "How to Increase Your Income 33%, THIS YEAR!" transcript, FREE ($19 value). For $99, you receive $215 of valuable tools and training that can yield thousands of dollars in return. I guarantee you that the Career Value Profile is worth many times this investment. It will bring you a huge return on your time and money, not one time, but over and over again. Not just this year, but every year. This investment returns compound interest on compound interest! I do my profile every year. It consistently points me in the right direction, and helps me get centered on the highest and best use of my value and talents. You can read what it did for me and others. This offer expires at the end of this month! For only $99, this is a value you don't want to pass up. While you're at it, I encourage you to share this opportunity with your inner circle of family friends, clients, associates or business partners. Feel free to pass along this web page URL to your network. For many people, the Career Value Profile can mean the difference between struggling and releasing the brakes - marginal growth, or exponential jumps. I invite and welcome you to BE PART OF this special program. You get so much, for so little. Most people spend hundreds, often thousands of dollars to get into a business, buy equipment, computers, software, invest in advertising and spend money marketing to build the business. Job seekers and career advancers spend hundreds of dollars in preparing, printing and mailing resumes, making calls, networking and going on interviews. Yet, precious few invest any money to assess their personal and professional strengths and potential for success, or get advice and feedback on how to harness their talent to maximize their value and bring their highest and best to the marketplace. Now you can - for less than the cost of a dinner for four. After all, what system could possibly be more important to invest in than your own internal operating system? Now, you have the opportunity to have the owner's manual to the most important system of all - your thinking. Register this week, and both the special report and tele-conference transcript will be in your email box next Monday morning. You can put this process to work right away. I invite you to complete your Value Profile TODAY. The Value Profile gives you insight into who you are, where you are, and how you got here. It validates your strengths, gives you access to your untapped potential, and empowers you to unwrap your gifts. It measures what you value, how you think, and why you choose what you choose. It shines the light on what you don't know you don't know. It does all this in a loving, positive and totally supportive way. You CAN invest your life in using the talent, ability and gifts you have. With your Value Profile, you gain clarity and make better value choices, and create new possibilities for having your life work the way you want it to work. You have greatness trapped within you yearning to be set free. It's your thinking that's stands between you and the life you're meant to live. Free yourself. Know yourself. BE yourself. I commit my life and livelihood to this work, and bet my future on the possibilities it creates for you in the world. If you want to read comments from some of the thousands of people who have benefitted from the Value Profile, go to Profile Success Stories. If you want to know more about this breakthrough science of Axiology (science of human values), and what's behind the Value Profile, you can read another report we've prepared called, Value Decision-Making. The only way you can truly experience the personal benefits of knowing your values using the Value Profile is to do it for yourself. It's just like life. You can't play unless you come out of the stands and get in the game. Get in the game. Come play with us. The investment, regularly $149, is ONLY $99 for special friends of Axelrod Learning. If you have any hesitation, I make you this promise. If you feel you get less than your money's worth, we'll refund the difference. If you honestly feel it was worthless, we'll return your entire investment. This eliminates your financial risk and guarantees you can't lose your money. Are you willing to match our commitment to you? If so, I invite you to complete your Value Profile and participate in our upcoming tele-conference series. Here's what you do next... Take two minutes right now to fill out and submit the registration form. Choose from: Order Online via Secure Server Go Here to Complete Your Value Profile Online. We'll run your profile and mail the comprehensive report directly to you. Then we'll send you a schedule of tele-conference dates you can participate in. You can volunteer to have your profile reviewed on the call, and ask any questions you like. If you want personal feedback or coaching, we can provide that as well. Simply request it. Call our offices at 973-736-1304. The whole process takes 15 minutes to complete your profile. The value is for life. Complete the form right now. Your life will never be the same. My best to you to have the Freedom to Live a Life YOU Love, and the Career Success Your Deserve! Mitch Axelrod
P.S. Register today and get your FREE report and tele-conference transcript by next Monday. Click here for the Value Profile Secure Online Registration Form! P.P.S. Do you want to add $25,000 to $50,000, or more to your income
doing work that is rewarding and valuable? Join Our
ValueProfiler Program and Training. |