A VERY Special and VERY Limited time offer from the desk of Mitch Axelrod...

Are you ready, willing and able to turn a modest one-time investment into a few hundred thousand dollars in the next five to 10 years?

How much could you earn if you had UNLIMITED AND ROYALTY-FREE DUPLICATION RIGHTS to a system that has made me $1 million in fees and product sales, and generated more than $100 million in revenues, sales and income for hundreds of businesses and thousands of people?

Seventeen (17) People Will Earn
with these
ROYALTY-FREE Reprint Rights!

The first SEVEN people will earn

Be one of the first SEVEN people and you

get a 75% discount just for being in the game first!


If Content is KING, then here are the keys to the Kingdom!


"Thanks to Mitch Axelrod, my dream has become a reality. I own one of the largest and most successful speaking and publishing-on-demand businesses in this country. It was Mitch who first opened the door for me. He gave me my first - and most important - break. In a jungle of misinformation, hype and outright deception, Mitch maintains an enviable standard of excellence, ethics and integrity. He is not only a powerful speaker, he's also a fountain of cash-producing, business-building information. He is a resource you should tap, and permanently connect to for the rest of your business life."

Dr. Paul Hartunian, Best-Selling Author and Publisher

Dear Decision-Maker:

Imagine if Coka-Cola made their secret formula available, and offered you the rights to make, bottle and sell all the Coke you want. OH - and YOU keep 100% of the money. Keep imagining, because it won't ever happen.

But 17 people can make a decision to own ROYALTY-FREE REPRINT RIGHTS that will GUARANTEE them a return of tens of thousands of dollars annually, and quite possibly, hundreds of thousands of dollars in the next five to 10 years.

If you are among the FIRST SEVEN people who are decisive and take action, your return will be FOUR TIMES AS GREAT!

If you are a decision-maker and CAN move on something with this kind of payoff, then I suggest you read the rest of this letter right now.

If you are interested in this kind of payoff, but you aren't ready today, or wouldn't make a decision like this in 24 hours, you might want to read this letter anyway. It could be something to consider for the future.

Or, you might know someone who fits this description and can act on this, and you can pocket a finder's fee (or, piece of the action) simply by sharing this with them.

A key word in business is... RESULTS!

But along with results, people want to have meaning in their work and make a difference with their lives. We want to have a sense of purpose, and have passion fueling our hearts. We want to increase our net worth, and, build our self-worth. We want more than financial reward - we want emotional, psychic, spiritual, intrinsic wealth. Sure, we want to have more.

But what most of us REALLY, REALLY want is to be more, do better and go farther.

We develop talents and abilities, knowledge and wisdom. If we can teach others, duplicate, replicate and pass on what we know, we could impact lots of people and make a great living for ourselves.

Essentially, that's what people do who make millions with information, knowledge and wisdom. They organize it, package it, and teach it to others. That's what I've done for the past 10 years.

You can make a great living if you have something to teach, and find enough people who want to learn it. Many wealthy people I know are highly paid teachers. For 10 years, I was one of them.

You Can Earn Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars by
Turning Information into Knowledge into Results.

If you deliver it in a way that people can apply it and produce results in their lives, you can become wealthy yourself!

You can become wealthy with this ROYALTY-FREE Rights License.

Information is so abundant today that it's worth less and less, almost worthless. That's why everyone is eager to give it away for free. There is more information produced in a day than our grandparents experienced in a year. Information overload is taking its toll on us mentally, physically, and spiritually - it stresses the mind, weakens the body, and deadens the spirit. We have more information than ever, yet seem to lack the knowledge and wisdom (or will) to use it to better the world.

When we turn information into knowledge we convert lead into gold. Knowledge is highly valued, and valuable. Knowledge is and always will be in demand, and worth a lot because...

Knowledge organizes information and creates the basis for action.
Action is what produces results.

People who have the knowledge, take the action and produce results,
are highly valued and highly paid by the marketplace!

Any method, process, approach or system that can cause people to produce results more quickly, effectively and profitably, they will pay for if they can get their hands on it.

I have such a system. This approach and process has successfully generated many hundreds of millions of dollars in sales and income for hundreds of businesses large and small, and thousands of individuals. This system has transformed companies, relationships, and lives. It has contributed to setting new standards for people in their work and in some of the largest companies in the world.

For the results I have helped produced, I have been paid five and six-fgure fees.

NOW, I'm looking to partner with a small group of people (limited to 17) who want to produce these kinds of results in the next five to 10 years, for themselves and others.

The first seven who are in a position to make this kind of decision in the next 24 hours will get a 75% discount off the license fee.

If you are decisive and one of the FIRST SEVEN,

The trick to creating leverage is to replicate YOU, and most people do that through materials like tapes, workbooks, reports, books, CDs, and any other medium through which they can send their message. They also use seminars, tele-conferences and the Internet to reach more people, more cost-effectively.

Distance learning is a fast-growing segment of the learning field, and it hasn't' even begun yet.

After I produce and sell my books and tapes, what do I do next to leverage my efforts?

What's next is going to be the hottest information delivery method and for the new millennium. And a booming business opportunity for anyone with high value content and a willingness to share it with others.

People earn millions of dollars buying licenses and rights to products.
Why not you? Why not now?

I have done this myself, and taught it to others. Thousands of successful people do it, and more and more are getting into the field every day. Many people I know personally make tens of thousands of dollars every month doing this, and dozens more are multi-millionaires.

Buying and selling rights to information and learning materials is a sure-fire way to add thousands of dollars to your income each month, and earn tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars over the next five to 10 years - with ZERO downside risk.

I know it sounds too good to be true, but it's not. I've done it (and I barely scratched the surface), and you can do it, too - in your spare-time, part-time, or full-time, especially if you leverage the power of the Internet.

You earn money helping people release their highest and best potential, and eliminate obstacles and blocks that are in their way. That's a pretty good one-two combination. Yet, that's not all.

Build a legacy worth giving your life for...
Make a lasting difference in people's lives, livelihood and standard of living.

As we learn how to find and fulfill the highest and best we have to bring to the world, we become teachers for those coming after us. In the process, we get to find and fulfill OUR highest and best value. It's a beautiful process.

A Total of 17 Royalty-Free Licenses Are Available, Each with the Opportunity to Earn Hundreds of Thousands in the next 5-10 Years.

The first SEVEN licensees get a 75% discount,
for being in the game first!

AND... You Get Personal, One-on-One Coaching to Make it Happen!

With it, you get my personal coaching and marketing support. I will show you exactly how I generated revenues of $10,000, $100,000 and higher, and how you can secure ongoing passive and residual income into the tens of thousands of dollars each year.

You will get the actual proposals I used to secure contracts of $100,000 and higher.

You will generate all kinds of spin-of business - coaching, consulting, training and speaking clients coming to you if you want them. If you don't want this business, call someone who does, and share the revenue. Or, call me and we'll work them together.

You don't need to be a speaker, trainer, coach or consultant to make this work. You don't need to have a business already in place. You can start this from scratch, or add this to whatever you're doing. But where ever you are and whatever you are doing now, there is...

One MOST Important key that will make this work for you,
the absence of which will make it very difficult to succeed

You must market to people who want results, who will invest to get them

You must market - network - advertise - promote - pass it around through word of mouth - write articles - get interviews - do joint ventures - advertise on the Internet - give away FREE SAMPLES (this is especially powerful and it costs you nothing).


No marketing, no business. Take it from me. When I market, things go well. When I stop marketing (like I have for nearly two years), business can come to a screeching halt.

When you hit a slowdown in your business, you can trace it right back to lack of marketing.

If... you know or can find a way to reach people who want to increase their top line revenues, take home more income, and enjoy their work - people who want to enrich their lives, enliven their livelihoods and enhance their standard of living - salespeople, networkers, professionals, entrepreneurs, small businesses, medium-sized companies, large corporations, organizations and associations who want to make more money - then you can turn this investment into tens of thousands of dollars every year, maybe more.

If... you are willing to share with anyone who is open enough to listen - proven tips, tools and technologies that will enable them to increase sales, generate higher profits, earn more money in what they do, and feel really good about who they are, there is no-thing that can stop you from making this work.

If... you know you can deliver the goods - you have proven methods that have helped tens of thousands of people release more of their talent, ability and productivity, and earn hundreds of millions of dollars, you present a very powerful value proposition, one that is hard to pass up.

This is a certain kind of work, that for obvious reasons, attracts a certain kind of person. I know this is not for everyone, then again, we're not looking for everyone to do this.

We're only accepting 17 people who are eager, willing, and ready to make a big difference, in the results they produce within themselves, and those they produce for others.

I'm committing to work with you for the next six months, so it's in our best interests to make sure we're compatible and can work together.

If you're not ready for this, maybe you know someone who is - partner up with them - that's acceptable to me. Share this with them. But don't delay. Once we enroll 17 licensees, that's it - we close the doors on this royalty-free rights license.

We're happy to reward a finder's fee or a gift certificate for your kindness and effort, if someone you introduce pursues this unique membership.

If you're serious and motivated...

Read the details here!

CALL ME at 1-800-7 AXELROD (1-800-729-3576).

Or communicate via email.


Mitch Axelrod

P.S. If you are not ready for rights, consider joining our tele-conference training series.


s - partner up with them - that's acceptable to me. Share this with them. But don't delay. Once we enroll 17 licensees, that's it - we close the doors on this royalty-free rights license.

We're happy to reward a finder's fee or a gift certificate for your kindness and effort, if someone you introduce pursues this unique membership.

If you're serious and motivated...

CALL ME at 1-800-7 AXELROD (1-800-729-3576). Sign up by phone only.

Email me.

Read more details!

Mitch Axelrod

PS - If you are not ready for resale rights, consider joining our... Mastermind Tele-training.