The Personal Pathfinder... a Teen Success Profile!

What the Personal Pathfinder Profile Can Help You Accomplish!

Over the past four decades researchers and academics have studied the values of hundreds of thousands of people from teenagers to seniors, unemployed people to CEO's of Fortune 500 companies, using the science of Axiology (the study of values and value judgments). The results indicate that...

Across cultural groups and socio-economic classes,
nearly 90% of people profiled under-value themselves.
Even worse, a large percentage of people dis-value themselves.

The Personal Pather Profile WILL Help Teens Value Themselves and Each Other!

The Value Profile enables us to know how we value ourselves and others, how much we value our roles in life, the value we place on the acquisition of money and material things, and how strongly we stand for and believe in the concept of right and wrong.

Using Axiology, we can now understand human values with amazing accuracy and simplicity. We can get a clear and accurate picture of a person's values and value judgments. We can finally get to the source of the thinking behind the decisions and choices we make.

The Value Profile will shed light on positive values, things that:

We can also identify patterns and ways of thinking that signal:

Axiology allows us to understand what's going on inside our heads on many different levels, any one of which can be the trigger point for violent, harmful or self-defeating behavior. We can see where the potential exists for turning upset, disappointment and despair into rage, violence and destructiveness.

The greatest value and potential for good exists when we measure values using
Axiology because it shows every person that... HE OR SHE HAS VALUE.


That value is infinite, irreplaceable, intrinsic, and is separate and apart from what they do, how well they do it, how far they go, or how much they succeed in life. The inversion of values: diminishing the value of human life (who we are), and over-valuing the material world (what we do or acquire) or social world (where and how we belong), is a root cause of anti-social and immoral behavior.

When a person knows he has REAL intrinsic value just because he is a human being, and sees he has unique talents he CAN contribute to the world, this alters his perception and impacts his choices. Few people who value themselves and all human beings more than they value being right or being accepted, will ever harm or injure others for what they do, what they say, or what they believe.

On the other hand, a person who values approval, acceptance, or being right above being human has the potential to harm others when rejected, bullied, picked on, or made wrong. Psychological and emotional damage is insidious, and carried out every day almost as a way of life. You don't have to look very far to find someone criticizing, disrespecting or verbally abusing another person.

Psychological, social or emotional abuse is the genesis for physical abuse. And...
Physical abuse leads to violence.

Our aim is to stop abuse and violence before it manifests, and enhance the self-esteem and self worth of every person. Our children need this healing. So do we. Children are not born violent, mean, nasty, disrespectful and full of rage - they learn these things through repeated exposure and experience.

Using the science of Axiology and the Hartman Value Profile,
we can measure personal values.

We can get an X-Ray of what's going on in the mind of a person.

This is not about rooting out "bad apples" before they spoil the bunch, posting a warning on the school grounds that Sally or Johnny is dangerous, or stigmatizing anyone who might be thinking in a way that could lead them to harm themselves or others. This is not about the blame game. We've seen far too much of that.

This is about giving our children and ourselves a way to understand each other at a level we haven't been able to achieve with the authoritarian and punitive system we have in place.

EVERY person has infinite value.

EVERY person is worth saving.

EVERY person wants to feel nourished and be loved. This is true for children and adults alike.

It is a tragedy when our children, flush with the promise of a lifetime of possibility and prosperity, feel worthless and hopeless enough to take their lives and the lives of innocent others.

Our immediate goal:

Donate 1,000 Value Profiles to teens this year, and tens of thousands more next year.



We especially want to help teen-agers see they have intrinsic value, teach them how to value themselves and others, and create a climate that supports positive values. Axiology and the Personal Pathfinder Profile can boost their self-esteem, get them more comfortable with themselves as unique beings, and assist those who's thinking reflect dissatisfaction or despair.

Intervention by someone who cares - a parent, guardian, sibling, friend, schoolmate, teacher, professional, health care worker, or in some cases, a total stranger can be the difference for a troubled child in need of attention, direction and love.

For this to work, it is vital for parents to understand their own values and those of their children, and respect the differences. This alone will open a meaningful and loving dialogue about how to interact together.

We will conduct a nationwide study of the impact of values on decision-making among teens.

In order to accomplish this, we ask you to contribute to help support us in conducting an in-depth study and reporting the findings.

We invite you to participate by purchasing one (or more) Value Profiles for yourself or a teen(s) you know, so we can give one away to a teen in a school or organization participating in our study.

Here's how you join this initiative:

1. You can purchase Personal Pathfinder Profiles for as many teens (or adults) as you would like. The profiles are $50 each (plus $5.95 S&H). We process and mail the profile results to anyone you like, especially teen(s) in your life.

2. For each profile you purchase, we will donate a second profile. Purchase two for $100, we donate two, and so on. There is no limit to how many profiles you can purchase.

3. You and the teens you've sponsored are invited to participate in tele-conferences series on values. You will learn how to use the Value Profile to improve relationships and communication among adults and teens. You will learn about the warning signs, and the loving signs.

4. YOU will be recognized and acknowledged for supporting this effort by having your name mentioned as a donor or sponsor in our study of Values.

If you are a member of an organization, own a business, or work for company that would like to help sponsor this project, or you are in a position to purchase larger numbers of profiles, we welcome your support.

A purchase of 10 profiles ($500) or more gets mention as a sponsor.

For group and corporate sponsorships...

Call our sponsor hotline: 1(800) 7Axelrod (1- 800-729-3576) or, Email us.

For the cost of a video game, YOU will be giving the most valuable gift of all to someone you know and care about, the gift of personal value and intrinsic worth.

You will also make a difference in the life of someone you don't know.

Once again, the investment is $50 per profile (plus $7 S & H).

For each one you purchase, we will donate another one on your behalf.

Three easy ways you can enroll:

1. PHONE: call 1-973-736-1304 . Place your order or leave a message with how many Profiles you want.
Please also leave your email address. We'll call you back to confirm your order.

2. FAX or MAIL: complete the enrollment form and fax to us. If you're mailing, mail check or
money order to the address on the enrollment form.

ONLINE: Use the secure online order form for instant ordering.

Thank you for your contribution and generosity.


I leave you with a heart-warming note from Anthony D'Angelo, Founder of The Collegiate EmPowerment Company, Inc. and Author of What College Forgets To Teach You®. Thanks, Tony.

"What Mitch Axelrod is doing with the Value Profile is what Henry Ford did with the automobile. While they are not inventors of a new technology, they are pioneers of empowering people with vehicles of both personal as well as social transformation. As people of the Industrial Age used Ford's vehicle to explore new frontiers, we of the Information Age have much thanks to give Mitch Axelrod, for the opportunity to explore one of the final frontiers- ourselves.

"If we as a nation are truly committed to transforming our educational systems, then we must be willing to research, test and implement new educational tools and technologies. As a 21st century educator myself, you can bet that I am placing the Value Profile in my educational tool-box. If you are serious about helping students, then I highly encourage you to add the Value Profile to your arsenal as well.

"I strongly urge every educator and educational institution to implement the Value Profile to assist them in taking higher education deeper. On behalf of my grandchildren's children, I salute Mitch Axelrod and his contributions to our world."

Anthony D'Angelo, Founder
The Collegiate EmPowerment Company, Inc.
Author of What College Forgets To Teach You®

(The Collegiate EmPowerment Company is nationally recognized educational firm dedicated to empowering today's college students. Since 1995, the CEC has worked with over 800,000 college students from over 800 college campuses through out North America. Visit: Collegiate-EmPowerment Company.)

Three easy ways you can enroll:

1. PHONE: call 1-973-736-1304 . Place your order or leave a message with how many Profiles you want.
Please also leave your email address. We'll call you back to confirm your order.

2. FAX or MAIL: complete the enrollment form and fax to us. If you're mailing, mail check or
money order to the address on the enrollment form.

ONLINE: Use the secure online order form for instant ordering.

Thank you for your contribution and generosity.


Please share this with anyone you know who might be interested or like to participate, and keep passing it along. Simply send this page by email.


Personal Pathfinder Profile measures... these 40 skills, talents, abilities and values.

Benefits of the Personal Pathfinder Profile... what the Personal Pathfinder can help you accomplish.

Science of Values... learn how the decades-old science of Axiology works and why the Personal Pathfinder Profile can measure your values with the precision of a thermometer registering body temperature.

See a sample of the Personal Pathfinder here...