The Personal Pathfinder... a Teen Success Profile!


Profile Components and the 40 Skills Measured

The Personal Pathfinder Profile is a values-building experience that enables teens and their parents develop their ability to:

1. target and use their talents;
2. understand and control their biases;
3. use their natural style for greater success and personal satisfaction.

Personal Pathfinder Profile Components Include:

With the Personal Pathfinder Profile, you also get support pages that include an introduction to values, an explanation of how to identify talent, and a model to build a personal strategy to develop value talent.

This is an outstanding report, succinct, to the point, and especially valuable to help teens find their value and fulfill their personal potential. It can assist every person in knowing he or she has infinite value as a human being, as well as talents and skills from which to build a life, livelihood and living.

The Personal Pathfinder Profile will identify the strongest talents among the 40 capacities from the Skills List below.

Some of these skills and abilities may be under-utilized, and in many cases, a person isn't even aware he or she has them. Every person has value, talent and ability.

The Personal Pathfinder Profile will shine a light on your value, talent and ability, and show you how to find and fulfill your personal potential.

You will discover your inner uniqueness, a vast source of untapped talent ready to be released.

Personal Pathfinder Profile - 40 Capacities

The Personal Pathfinder Profile will measure your current capacity in each of these 40 areas. The report will identify and elaborate on the top 10 areas that represent your best strengths, value, talent and ability, and three areas most in need of development.

You will have a blueprint for success and to fulfill your personal potential.

Personal Pathfinder Profile Skills List:

Category: People

1. Willing to listen to others.

2. Gives advice without being critical.

3. Keeps word and personal commitment.

4. Is sensitive to needs, concerns and attitudes of others.

5. Treats other fairly.

6. Makes an effort to be pleasant, courteous and tactful.

7. Address issues clearly and directly.

8. Is open to the ideas and opinions of others.

9. Deals with conflicting issues in a positive responsible manner.

10. Knows what to say and how to say it.

Category: Task

1. Responds quickly to immediate problems.

2. Is willing to get things done.

3. Knows what needs to be done and how to get things done.

4. Is willing to be creative and inventive.

5. Understands the difference between crisis issues and minor problems.

6. Pays Attention to getting things done on time.

7. Takes care of daily detail work.

8. Knows how to set priorities and take care of them.

9. Evaluates problems from all perspectives.

10. Does not jump to conclusions to quickly solve problems.

Category: System

1. Pays attention to what is needed to reach goals.

2. Takes the time to keep things organized.

3. Pays attention to planning and organizing.

4. Takes time to analyze problems thoroughly.

5. Pays attention to short range and long range issues.

6. Create backup plans for situations when things do not work out.

7. Sees to it that things are done right.

8. Pays attention to long range strategic issues.

9. Pays attention to consequences of decisions.

10. Sets goals which are challenging but attainable.

Category: Self

1. Sticks by a decision once it is made.

2. Is willing to take risks for what they believe is right.

3. Is willing to make mistakes and learn from them.

4. Makes decisions with confidence.

5. Is optimistic and believes that the best can and will happen.

6. Believe in and communicates a sense of vision and purpose.

7. Makes and keeps realistic commitments.

8. Knows how to set goals which are challenging and attainable.

9. Seeks help from others to improve themselves.

10. Is willing to change directions when necessary.

See a sample of the Personal Pathfinder here...

Forty critical life skills measured that will help any person, especially a teen see he or she has value and talent.

Join us. Sponsor a teen, or two, or ten. Enroll today.

Three easy ways you can enroll:

1. PHONE: call 1-973-736-1304 . Place your order or leave a message with how many Profiles you want.
Please also leave your email address. We'll call you back to confirm your order.

2. FAX or MAIL: complete the enrollment form and fax to us. If you're mailing, mail check or
money order to the address on the enrollment form.

ONLINE: Use the secure online order form for instant ordering.

Thank you for your contribution and generosity.


Benefits of the Personal Pathfinder Profile... what the Personal Pathfinder can help you accomplish.

Science of Values... learn how the decades-old science of Axiology works and why the Teen Success Profile can measure your values with the precision of a thermometer registering your body temperature.