The basic questions for all time are enduring:
"Who am I?"
"What am I?"
"What ought I be?"
These three questions sum up our quest to be.
We want to know we have a purpose. We are organisms which, at every micro as well as macro level, operate according to purpose. We want to be able to do something worthwhile, to feel good about what we do, to feel comfortable with ourselves for who we are.
Most of all, we strive to know and appreciate ourselves at a level which reaches beyond goals, successes, failures and mistakes. We can take comfort in the idea that all people from the beginning of recorded human history and possibly before, have the same quest to be of value and to know what that value is.
The principles which guide us in this quest are universal and basic. Moreover, these principles form a structure for teaching us how to:
(1) know and understand
why and how we make the decisions we make;
(2) come in contact with ourselves in a dynamic way capturing
the forces which are actively shaping our decisions and our lives;
(3) plan our lives based on reason and understanding allowing
us to be in control of our destiny; and
(4) develop our relationships based on reasonable expectations
as well respect for the uniqueness and worth others.
Axiology is the science of value. It provides an objective and reliable way to capture the dynamic forces which produce decisions as well as opportunities for development.
The science of axiology was formally discovered and developed by Dr. Robert S. Hartman, who was nominated for a Nobel Prize in 1973, just before his untimely death.
The Hartman Value Profile, along with the
Carpenter Value Profile Instruments measure a person's capacity
to think and make value judgments. Through axiology we can understand
the forces which come together to make a decision by measuring
the thinking process which leads to the decision.
The Hartman Value Profile, and the Carpenter Value System measure a person's capacity to think and make value judgments.
Values include attitudes, beliefs, likes and dislikes. Prior to Dr. Hartman, the only access we had to measure values was through observation of behavior.
The behavioral method provides important information about people but it has limitations. For example, the behavioral models can only measure actions after the decision has been made.
Behavioral models describe either - "that a person will likely do a certain action in a certain way" or "how the action was received by others." The question "WHY" the person made the decision is referred back to the idea -
"That's the way people like that do things!"
Axiology, the science of value, allows us to measure values by measuring why an individual thinks and makes value judgments. We can understand the forces that come together to make a decision by measuring the thinking process which leads to the decision.
Dr. Hartman discovered the mathematical
principles which define the way we think and value. These principles
form the core of a new science called AXIOLOGY, the science
of value. The Value Profiles represent an application of Dr. Hartman's
Validity studies
conducted over the past 20 years on thousands of individuals confirm
that we can reliably measure value!
here and send to obtain a summary of validity studies.
The fact that we are measuring Value with
a science means that...
(1) You can count on the fact that what we measure is reliable. If the Profile results indicate that a person is in social and role transition, uncertain about what type of role or social situation will be best, you can count on this measurement to be accurate.
(2) We can measure values with mathematics. Rather than describing how people differ in their ability to see and appreciate the worth of others, we can precisely measure how well one can see and appreciate others. This factor means that we can compare individuals to one another and that we can look for numbers and patterns which seem to indicate success as well as difficulty in performance.
(3) You can rely on the measurements being objective. In other words, the Value Profile results are not affected by differences in age, race or sex. We conducted tests on representative samples from a data base of over 6,500 individuals to confirm that Hartman Value Profiles and The Hartman Mathematics do not discriminate either by race, culture, age or sex. The norm for making value judgments is the same regardless of race, culture, age or sex.
The information available from one 18 item set of Value Profile data can yield 6.5 quadrillion combinations.
The Value Resource Group program analyzes
over 50,000 paragraph combinations which themselves can be combined
into 64,000 combinations for individual reports and many more
thousand specific combinations for performance and personal assessment.
The profile of an
individual is like a finger print - each person's profile is unique.
An even more astonishing fact is that there are more possible
combinations of profile patterns to fit each person than there
are particles in the known universe.
One of the most exciting characteristics of axiological analysis is that the report becomes an experience with ourselves at a level which allows us to see on paper what we know to be the case inside.
The transfer of this science and technology to any specific personal or working environment revolves around a four step process:
(1) Developing an understanding
of ability and talent;
(2) Identifying the environment which offers the best opportunity
for successful utilization of talent consistent with personal
expectations, wants and needs;
(3) Learning how to maximize opportunities for development;
(4) Learning how to communicate and relate with others in a way
that maximizes individual uniqueness and fulfills your highest
We develop and apply assessment products and services based on axiology to accomplish these four objectives.
A Personal Value Analysis
includes these reports:
(1) The Composite Attitude
Survey and Value Structure Overview:
These reports evaluate one's ability to focus on and pay attention
to six key value dimensions: (a) Empathy, (b) Practical Ability,
(c) System Judgment, (d) Self Esteem, (e) Role Awareness, and
(f) Self Direction.
(2) The Personal Value
Style Analysis:
This report identifies the basic style of thinking which influences
an individual when making decisions.
(3) The Personal Value
This report identifies key capacities which are relevant to relating
and communicating, planning and organizing and getting things
done. Both strengths and development areas are indicated and a
descriptive analysis accompanies each capacity.
(4) The Personal Value
Assessment Development Comments:
This report identifies basic strengths and development areas.
Key development and coaching and counseling comments for both
the utilization of the strengths and blocks are included.
(5) Sources of Flow and Interference:
These pages identify the top sources of talent and ability, how to tap them and use them (flow). It also identifies the top sources of interference, those areas that get in the way of our personal happiness and professional success.
Reports can be tailored or customized to your organization.
Corporate licenses, dealerships,
and consulting opportunities are available.
The Next Step...
The only way you can truly experience the personal benefits of knowing your values using the Value Profile is to do it for yourself.
Call or email the person who shared this report with you, or you may contact us directly at our home office by calling: 1-973-736-1304. We'll complete your Value Profile and offer you valuable feedback and coaching.
If you have any hesitation, I make you this promise.
If you feel you get less than your money's worth, we'll refund the difference. If you honestly feel it was worthless, we'll return your entire investment. This eliminates your financial risk and guarantees you can't lose your money. Are you willing to match our commitment to you?
If so, I invite you to complete your Value Profile and participate in our upcoming tele-conference series.
Here's what you do next...
Take two minutes right now to fill out and submit the registration form. Choose from:
Then go to HERE to complete your Value Profile online
We'll run your profile and mail the comprehensive report directly to you. Then we'll send you a schedule of tele-conference dates you can participate in. You can volunteer to have your profile reviewed on the call, and ask any questions you like.
For personal feedback or coaching, select #3 or #4 here.
Or, call our offices at 1-973-736-1304.
The whole process takes 15 minutes to complete your profile. The value is for life.
Complete the form right now. Your life will never be the same.
My best to you to have the personal success you deserve, and the freedom to live the life YOU love!
Mitch Axelrod
Register today, get a FREE report delivered to your email box in 48 hours.
Add $25,000 to $50,000, or more to your income doing work that is rewarding, fulfilling and valuable?
Find out about our Value Profile Training and Consultant Certification!
Value Profiles, Inc.
A Division of Axelrod Learning
14 Seaman Road
West Orange, NJ 07052
Direct Dial PH (973) 736-1304 o FAX (973) 736-3930