There is a spiritual wave upon the ocean of life that is building like a tsunami.

It's beyond our range of sight, but it is gaining momentum, and about to crash upon the shores of planet earth. Every major turning point in history was preceded by some kind of cataclysmic event. Maybe these events are God's way of waking us up. September 11, 2001 was a wake up call of biblical proportion.

The Hundredth Human

Ken Keyes wrote the fabulous book, The Hundredth Monkey. It's a story of how a species of monkey began to wash their food at the river on a remote island. Without any outside intervention or intermingling, monkeys from other islands began to mimic the practice and before long, monkeys everywhere were washing their food.

How do we explain this? We can't. It must be Cosmic Consciousness. Evolution. Connection beyond the physical, the Meta-physical.

The Hundredth Human suggests there is an irreversible movement, a cosmic consciousness connecting the world like never before. It's a spiritual connection, an awareness that real life is more than just security and individual prosperity.

It's about leaving a legacy for our children and grandchildren that the world will actually still be around in the 22nd century, and somehow, we will reach the fourth millennium.

On 9/11/01, The Hundredth Human hit critical mass.

It took a deeply inhuman act to wake us up to our infinitely valuable humanity. I heard one columnist said we should, "Live every day like tomorrow is 9/11/01."

Maybe we should live everyday like today is 9/11/01.

There was not one moment in my lifetime when more love was felt in the hearts of more humans as a result of an act by such a few. Some masters would say we need this kind of wake up call to realize spaceship earth is way off course.

With a little bit of luck, and some masterful leadership, we won't destroy ourselves in the process of fighting terrorism. It seems to me, the terrorists got what they wanted.

Unspeakable loss of life from more than 80 countries, major disruption in our way of life, massive devastation of property in the heartbeat of our nation, and monstrous losses economically. On top of that, we are suffering deep psychic trauma that will leave scars for generations to come, and a shattered sense of safety and security, the stress from which may age us before our time and take years off our lives.

What do we really need to learn from this, at a higher and deeper level?

How can we reverse the trend of massive fear and terror, and return to peace and love that make us free?

What's our legacy to the children of the world that will instill hope and peace and love within them?

Make peace... with someone... today!


New Year, New Dawn... How this defining event of our generation is a turning point in human history.

September to Remember... Looking back from 30 days away.

What Would God DO? Not a question of faith, it's a question of humanity.

Back to Basics... Why it's so important to return to the fundamentals, universals in a time of change. How to get back to basics.