Priority Bulletin from the desk of Mitch Axelrod...


THE Ultimate Profit Model™

Turn Customer Service into a New Business Profit Center...
Explode Your Bottom Line, NOW!

Generate 10 Times More Profit than Low-Yield Marketing at 1/10 the COST!

This NEW, High Yield Profit Model Boosts Top Line Revenue, Reduces Middle Line Expense, and Drops Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to Your Bottom Line, IMMEDIATELY

With little or no out of pocket cost, THE Ultimate Profit Model!

To win "The NEW Game of Business" you must build people and boost profits.

THE Ultimate Profit Model builds people and boosts profits.

THE Ultimate Profit Model is... ULTIMATE!

A Philosophy and Approach!

Why is THE Ultimate Profit Model, ultimate?

Because it generates top line revenue with no middle line expense!

In an overly complex world, the simple truth of business success is this:

Top Line Revenue (less) Middle Line Expense = Bottom Line Profit!

ULTIMATE PROFIT is achieved when you generate top line revenues with zero middle line expense. Achieving "pure profit" is THE Ultimate Profit Model.

THE Ultimate Profit Model generates top line revenue with little or no middle line expense, and saves middle line expense, compounding and multiplying your return on investment.

You can take a portion of that saved money and invest it in a higher yield strategy that generates more top line revenue. You pocket the savings, and you pocket the profits. With THE Ultimate Profit Model, you play the game with house money.

THE Ultimate Profit Model enables you to apply successful investment principles to your marketing, sales and customer service expenditures. A little redirection and redistribution of human and financial assets can have a profound impact on the bottom line.Every day you keep investment dollars trapped in lower yielding strategies is a squandered opportunity to earn higher yields. Some of these opportunities are lost for good.

Don't let another day pass. Use THE Ultimate Profit Model and make an immediate impact on your company's top and bottom line, today.

This NEW Game strategy can yield as much as 10 times higher return on investment than expensive direct mail marketing and other high-cost, low yield marketing methods. As with any investment that is no longer producing a healthy return, it's prudent to seek out and invest in new, better, higher yield opportunities.

THE Ultimate Profit Model is a new, better, higher yield opportunity.

Prove It Yourself:

Take 10% of your current marketing investment, and redirect it into THE Ultimate Profit Model. Apply it for six months.

Then compare the return from THE Ultimate Profit Model with the results from 10% of the rest of your marketing investment. With the same 10% outlay of dollars, you get a dramatically higher return on investment .

THE Ultimate Profit Model drives up sales revenues and scales down marketing costs. Your bottom line gets a multiple boost from higher top line revenues and lower middle line expenses.

This high leverage, high payoff NEW strategy costs you little or nothing to implement, saves money and generates revenue quickly. You recapture your investment almost immediately. You can be in the black in 90 days or less. By redirecting existing marketing dollars, you can be profitable in the first month.

Human assets are valuable, and often, the most overlooked capital a company has.

Internally, people committed to the NEW Game Mantra of "Serve, Deliver, Serve Some More" become a formidable team and the backbone of a company's success.

Externally, people who favor you with their money as buyers, can become lifetime customers, raving fans, evangelists and ultimately, your unpaid marketing and sales force.

Treating both groups of people with reverence is vital to win the new game of business.

The sooner you capitalize your internal and external human assets, the faster you will realize the massive gains laying in wait.

The stronger you build people, the higher you'll boost profits.

THE Ultimate Profit Model builds people and boosts profits.

Chapter 10 of Mitch Axelrod's new book, "The NEW Game of Business" is titled...

Generate NEW Money... "Profit Is EVERYBODY'S Business!"

In the NEW Game, profit IS everybody's business. To play, to win, to prosper, you must embrace new thinking, design new strategies, find new solutions, and apply new skills. Old game strategies and methods won't win the new game of business.

THE Ultimate Profit Model is the Ultimate NEW Game Strategy:

Turn Customer Service into a New Business Profit Center, and... Explode Your Bottom Line Immediately!

Are you ready for a NEW Game strategy guaranteed to boost your profit, quickly?

Let's have a conversation. You have nothing to lose, and potentially, five and six figure profits to gain.

Call and schedule a complimentary no-obligation phone consultation to determine how THE Ultimate Profit Model can work for you.

We'll even pay for your first call.

Call us today:
US Toll-free at1-800-94 SALES (1-800-947-2537)
International Direct Dial at 1-973-736-1304

Email us here...