Success Stories...

How "Axelrology"™ and the Value Profile Transform Lives!



"I have a whole different outlook on my work and my value. The thing that did it for me was Mitch Axelrod's 'Next Steps' coaching approach. I typed up my greatest strengths on a piece of paper, and I carry it with me everywhere. I look at that piece of paper 8 times a day.

The biggest breakthrough for me was realizing I don't have to fix myself. I can focus on building my strengths, and not feel like I have to fix 'weaknesses'. I've taken all kinds of tests and instruments, but this is the only one that told me with certainty where and how I should be investing my time, money and energy."

Ron Mueller, Author
"It's How Much You Keep That Counts! NOT How Much You Make."

Check it Out!



"Where has the Value Profile been all these years? Nothing I've ever done gave me so much with such little effort. It took me less than 15 minutes to complete the profile, and I got back a lifetime's worth of value.

If you're serious about increasing your personal worth and market value, having more satisfaction with your work and enthusiasm for life, you simply should take a few minutes right now and complete the profile. You will get incredible insights, and many times the financial return. I can't begin to measure the personal reward.

I wish I would have know about this sooner. My life would have been greatly enhanced."

Raleigh Pinskey, radio show host
Author of The Zen of Hype and 101 Ways to Promote Yourself
Raleigh's Website



"What Mitch Axelrod is doing with the Value Profile is what Henry Ford did with the automobile. While they are not inventors of a new technology, they are pioneers of empowering people with vehicles of both personal as well as social transformation. As people of the Industrial Age used Ford's vehicle to explore new frontiers. We of the Information Age have much thanks to give Mitch Axelrod, for the opportunity to explore one of the final frontiers- ourselves.

If we as a nation are truly committed to transforming our educational systems, then we must be willing to research, test and implement new educational tools and technologies. As a 21st century educator myself, you can bet that I am placing The Value Profile in my educational tool box. If you are serious about helping your students, then I highly encourage you to add The Value Profile to your arsenal as well.

I strongly urge every educator and educational institution to implement The
Value Profile to assist them in taking higher education deeper. On behalf of my grandchildren's children, I salute Mitch Axelrod and his contributions to our world."

Anthony D'Angelo, Founder
The Collegiate EmPowerment Company, Inc.
Author of What College Forgets To Teach You®

(The Collegiate EmPowerment Company is nationally recognized educational firm dedicated to empowering today's college students. Since 1995, the CEC has worked with over 800,000 college students from over 800 college campuses through out North America. Click here for more information.


"I'm impressed ... and it takes a great deal to impress me! As career industry professionals, we're presented with an overwhelming volume of assessment tools, instruments, models and techniques for use with our clients. Often it's difficult to sort the 'good from the bad' ... the 'valuable from the useless.' Fortunately, I found Axelrod Learning Systems! The quality, depth and integrity of their Value Profiles is outstanding. Not only is it an extremely valuable client tool, it is equally valuable as a personal assessment tool.
I highly recommend you try it for yourself.

Also, I encourage you to take advantage of Mitch Axelrod's coaching and consulting. His insights and experience can have a big impact on your future. In fact, I was so impressed I invited Mitch to be a featured speaker at the Career Masters Institute Annual Conference in 2000. He absolutely blew the crowd away.

Do your Value Profile. It will make a big difference in your career and your life."

Wendy S. Enelow, CPRW,JCTC, CCM,
President, Career Masters Institute
Phone: 804.386.3100
Fax: 804.386.3200
CMI website


"I thought I saw it all before BUT taking the Value Profile was quite an eye opener. This test really gets inside your head and calls your bluff. Thank you for one of the most helpful and positive experiences I've had in my career. I'll be able to use this roadmap forever.

Getting Mitch's life skills coaching was the best part. While it's one thing to see my strengths and weaknesses, it's quite another to see how they translate into my everyday habits and thought patterns. Because of the Value Profile and your coaching, I know I have designed my entire business around my values. I also know how to change my thinking, and get to the next level, and the next level after that.

You can share this letter with others, and tell them that if they want to jump to higher levels of personal satisfaction, professional performance and business success, I highly recommend they do the Value Profile, and take advantage of your "real" life skills coaching. It is one of the best investments I ever made -
one that will pay off for the rest of my life."

Vickie Sullivan, President
Sullivan Speaker Services, Inc.
480.961.4318, Fax 480.961.4398
Sullivan Speaker Website


"I have been coaching for five years and in business for decades. I have never in my life been so excited about working with a product, service and a group of people. I feel the Value Profile is the most powerful tool I have ever used, both personally and professionally. It has made a big impact on all my relationships, personal, family, friends, and in my business. Working first as a Value Profiler, and now as a Certified Consultant has enabled me to have a profound effect on my clients' businesses and even more important, their lives. The entire experience has enriched my own life beyond words.

I encourage everyone I know to complete their own Value Profile, and invite anyone who really wants to make a difference with other people to be part of our Value Profiler and Consultant team. Using the Value Profiles, we are doing something really important and special, and with it comes a real opportunity to increase our personal income and market value, I feel it is the most exciting work I have ever found. Every coach, consultant, trainer, speaker, career counselor, teacher, student, person of any kind will benefit from completing a Value Profile ­ and, becoming a Value Profiler. If you do, your life will change for the better... forever.

Judy Sabah - Master Coach
Past President of Colorado Speakers


"I feel spectacular. I have never been happier or felt better about myself. You have made a major difference in my life, and in many more lives that I can and will touch. Attending the certification training was the best money I ever spent. I'm able to live and be happy now. I know I have intrinsic value and worth. It's been the most freedom I've had since I was a child.

In addition to all the breakthroughs I got from these three days, I have a whole new perspective on and about money. I now measure value in a totally different way, and as a direct result, I'm making more money that I ever have. This has been a totally unpredictable result. The breakthroughs and the results in my life are off the charts because of the Value Profile, the Profiler Program and the Certification training (and believe me, I know the charts!). But the shift in money and my attitude towards earning it, spending it, saving it, and investing it (including giving it away) has so dramatically changed that if I could cause people I love to get a fragment of it, they would thank me till the day they die.

I am making a huge difference in everyone I come into contact with. I am coaching people at a higher and deeper level than ever before, and I am causing a measurable increase in the performance and productivity of the people I share it withI know now, without a doubt, I have the strength, confidence and ability to do what I want. The experience is a huge breakthrough for me. I will share this with everyone."

Love you, and thank you, forever.

Sophie Ben-Shitta,
Publisher, Coach and Entrepreneur


"A couple of months ago, a good friend told me about a values profile and suggested I take it. It wasn't cheap, but there was a complete 'satisfaction guarantee' that came with the profile, so I decided to do it. I was really in a time of transition, and I was confused and unsure about what to do next. I was hoping the
profile would help me gain some clarity. Here were my results:

I came away with a greater understanding of both my strenghts and weaknesses, while getting the clarity I wanted in the areas where I had been confused. More specifically, I got off the call with a course of action. I asked Mitch to give me some follow-up coaching, and 2 or 3 weeks later, I hosted a telephone seminar and made $7,000 in sales. This was not an accident. It was a direct result of his feedback.

If I were to sum up how he has helped me, I would say that Mitch has put me back in touch with what I want to do, and has helped get out of the mindset I had which was 'What should I be doing?' There is a lot more juice in the 'want' than the 'should' and he has reminded me how important it is for me to come from 'what I really want to do.'

This has been one of the very best investments I have made."

Dave Lupberger, Founder and President
Master Builder's Group


"My profile gave me a big injection of clarity and confidence in my abilities (even some I had never acknowledged before) and greater courage to use them. It was like getting an owner's manual that shows what strengths I can rely on more to effectively get where I want to go and have more ease along the way.

No other process has shown me so precisely how my "blind spots" were getting in my way and complicating my life and work. Now I know exactly what to do (and not do) to become more effective, and I am doing it. The profile has also really helped me accept myself as I am, and I feel much more at peace with myself. It has contributed a great deal to my growth as an entrepreneur and as a person."

Brendan Moorehead, Consultant


"I was very reluctant to invest the money, and three days away from my business, but I am very glad I did attend your certification training. I was truly blown away by it all. The whole experience was worth more than I could have hoped for. The Friday morning business improvement session alone was worth the entire investment. If you have any doubts, do this anyway. A whole new world of opportunity will open up for you."

John Petitpren - President,
Petco Development Corp.


"The Value Profile training has meant so much to me. It has opened up doors that weren't available to me before. I've acquired a new level of understanding not only about myself but others as well. The certification training showed me that everyone has strengths that they are currently not using, including myself.

I have been looking for a way to help people. I feel complete when I know I make a difference. With the knowledge and tools that I now have I can do that and so much more. I have never met a group of individuals so dedicated and loving, and to have these individuals all together in one room was overwhelming. Whether you call it chance, or a blessing from the Most High I am grateful to have experienced this. I look forward to growing and working with people to experience the power of the Value Profile! On that note,
I strive to bring this life changing product to as many people as I can."

Arthur Abel, 19 year-old
Store Manager and Certified Values' Consultant


"The Hartman Value Profile and Value Profile System provides amazing and accurate insight into our thinking and decision making. We have used the Managing Innovation Value Profile at Strategic Point of View with great success.

Recently, the management team of a large corporation used Profile results to better understand how they made decisions and how decision making styles impacted business results. The depth of insight and self-analysis by these hardcharging women and men allowed them to see how their greatest strengths and not-so-obvious blindspots were contributing to the success and stress of their daily work lives. Each manager saw themselves in an objective, measurable fashion for perhaps the first time in their careers.

The Hartman Value Profile is an incredible tool for the consulting, coaching, and training work we perform on behalf of our clients at Strategic Point of View.

Many thanks to Wayne Carpenter, Harvey Schoof, and Mitch Axelrod for their coaching and support!

Mark Livingston, President- Strategic Point of View



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