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Issue #16


Generate $50,000 to $100,000 of Recurring Income for Life
in Three Years, or Less! Secure and ensure your retirement.

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HOW TO EARN $100/hour or more with VALUE PROFILER TRAINING™!


Axelrod Learning Exclusive. Do well by doing good. Earn great money and
make a real difference helping others find and fulfill their highest potential.

As a bonus, you'll learn how to rejection-proof your networking, and speak to
anyone, anywhere, anytime about anything.

NOW, a home study course.

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NEW!! Coming Soon


Want to earn five or six figures as a consultant? Marketing legend
Jay Abraham asked Mitch to train his $15,000 proteges and turn
them into marketing consultants. We captured it all on tape.

NOW, for the first time we'll share many of the inside secrets of...
"How to Build a $100,000 Consulting Income!" AND, find out how to
get all 18 hours of Mitch's Jay Abraham protege training tapes FREE!

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Use the Power of Words to Transform Your Life!


Scratch Their I.T.C.H.
Watch People Beat a Path to Your Door!


See schedule above and below:




Use the Power of Words to Transform Your Life!

This week's life skill for business is about words.

I wrote a 4,000 word special report on the power of words, and would love to share it all.
For now, I'll share this excerpt, a small piece of it.

Words and language are what separate us from all other species. Words shape us,
and have a profound effect on our emotions, psychology, biology and physiology.

We need people to tell us we have what it takes within us to reach our dreams. Few
of us are charmed to have our programs sculpted by dream-makers. Many of us have
programs that were crafted by dream-stealers.

Think about this... if you're on this planet for 40 years, you have lived 360,500 hours.
How many of those hours have been filled with positive, hopeful, uplifting, enriching,
empowering, enlightening, encouraging, transformational conversation and dialogue?

And how many of the millions of keystrokes typed into your mental computer have been
just the opposite? Unfortunately, we do more than our share of destructive programming
into our own data banks. Let's use this time to create new pathways and pave new highways.

Children are especially vulnerable. It's estimated that the "average" child in America
watches 6 hours of TV each day, and by the time children reach age 18, they have viewed
180,000 killings on television. How do you delete 180,000 destructive exposures? Certainly
not in one day, or a weekend seminar. Over those same 18 years, how many exposures do
they get to events and experiences that are positive and enriching, supportive and uplifting?

Over the past few years, kids have been chanting a new program I'm sure you've heard;

"MY BAD!" This is a lollapalooza. Say "MY BAD!" a few hundred or thousand times, and you
can see the potential destructive power of these five letters. I've been working to help my son
Adam who turns 13 this week reprogram this little ditty from "MY BAD!" to
After all, acknowledging you made a mistake is really a "MY GOOD!" realization.

I'm on a constant vigil to listen for these seemingly innocent but powerful two little words, and
others that can have the same impact. I'm working to unglue this pathway before it hardens.

Repeated programming has put us where we are today, whether we are aware of it or not.
It will be repeated programming from here forward that will either keep us playing the same
song, or singing a completely different tune. The wonderful part about this is...


After all, it is our keyboard, and we can exert control over who has access.

Here are some words I hope you'll find uplifting, inspiring and maybe even transformational.
For me they are moving in their beauty and profound in their simplicity. They are all from
Richard Bach, from my all-tme favorite book, Illusions... Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah
(New York: Dell Publishing, 1977).


"Learning is finding out what you already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it.
Teaching is reminded others that they know it just as well as you. We are all learners,
doers, teachers."

"Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself."

"The simplest questions are the most profound. Where were you born? Where is your
home? Where are you going? What are you doing? Think about these once in a while,
and watch your answers change."

"Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will
know you in a thousand years."

"You are led through your life by your inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that
is your real self. Don't turn away from possible futures before you're certain you don't have
anything to learn from them."

"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours."

"There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. You seek problems
because you need their gifts."

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."

"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's
life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof."

"Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there.
What you choose to do with them is up to you."

You may have to work for it, however."

"Here is a test to see if your mission here on earth is finished... if you're alive, it isn't!"

I have read these words hundreds of times. Don't just read them once.
Re-read them again and again.

They are moving in their beauty and profound in their simplicity.

This week's Life Skill for Business:

Take back control of your mental keyboard.

Use the Power of Words to Transform Your Life!


Scratch Their
Watch People Beat a Path to Your Door!

What business are you in?

Today, you, me and everyone else is in the I.T.C.H. business!

Information... to make good choices and decisions.

Transportation... to get people from point A to point B.

Communication... to send clear messages that attract resources and relationships.

Help... to serve, and improve the lives of others.

The more people whose I.T.C.H. you scratch, the more success you'll have.
The more ways you scratch a buyer's ITCH, the more business you'll get.

Everyone needs sound information to make good decisions. In his terrific book,
Creating a New Civilization, Alvin Toffler says, "development and distribution of
information is the central productivity and power activity of the human race."

We organize information into knowledge. We draw upon our experience and wisdom.
All these weigh heavily in the choices and decisions we make.

Give useful information in many forms...
Newsletter, special report, bulletins, audio magazine, online E-zine, etc. If you don't
write or can't create one of these in-house, joint venture with someone who does,
provided it has value your audience will appreciate. Your readers (customer, buyer,
prospect) don't really care who writes the information. They care that it has value to them.

We spoke in prior newsletters about three keys to communication being...

Impact, frequency and medium.

Send something with impact and value...
This is critical. Information that gets attention has impact. It has value if it is usable and
can produce a result. I like to provide people with what I call the...

Three R's: resources, relationships and results.

Impact them with value in one or more of these three areas, and you'll be a welcome visitor.

Maintain frequency of contact...
Frequency builds familiarity. One contact is never enough. We said last week that it takes
fromseven to 27 contacts for people to act on most information they get. You must stay in
front of people on a regular basis, or you fall hopelessly behind the pack. Communicate
often, and be sure you have something of value to add.

Use every medium you can...
Mail, audio, video, fax, phone, radio, internet, email. People process information differently.
If you deliver it in the medium they prefer, your information will get higher priority.

Remember to ask the key question, "How do you prefer to get your information?"

You have little or no competition when you become a trusted expert to your target audience.

During the 1980's, long before Microsoft spent billions on TV ads, our financial planning firm
asked all or our clients...

"Where do you want to go today, and where would you like to be tomorrow?"

When people asked me what I did for a living, I'd answer, "I'm in the transportation business."
They'd wonder if I were in trucking, or worked on railroads. They would ask, "Do you drive a
bus or a cab?"

My reply: "I help transport people financially, from point A to point B. Where do you want to go today,
and where would you like to be, tomorrow?"

My business was financial planning, insurance and investments. Those are vehicles; transportation.
People want to go somewhere, and your product or service just may be the vehicle to transport
them from point A to point B. An airplane is fastest, but the train is scenic and relaxing. Maybe they
like to drive by car or RV. How do you like to travel?

Everybody wants to go somewhere! How do you help transport people?

This is a master life skill. Communic-ability is a most critical and highly valued Success-Ability, and
will often determine your market-ability, profit-ability and value-ability.

Much of life is communication. Happiness, satisfaction success and fulfillment are largely a
result of what we say to ourselves every day (at the silent rate of 500 to 1,000 words each minute),
and what we say to others (as well as what they say back to us).

The person who sends the highest quality-driven messages, most frequently, wins hearts, minds
and pocketbooks

Top copywriters earn $5,000 to $15,000 to write an ad, plus a percentage of the sales the ad pulls.
Why? Because a copywriter's ad can earn 10 times or 100 times the copywriter's fee.

Professional speakers are very highly paid people (I'm one of them). Celebrities speakers can earn
$25,000 to $100,000 to speak for one hour (I'm not one of them - yet!). I have been paid $10,000 to
speak for 45 minutes, and have earned $20,000 in a weekend. Companies pay tens of thousands
of dollars for consulting and to train their people. Why?


A skill-building workshop, seminar or competency-based training can generate or lead to hundreds
of thousands of additional sales, revenues and profit. Companies (and individuals) pay a lot because
they get a LOT in return. Communic-ability is a highly valued and rewarded life skill.

Improve your communic-ability. Send clear and compelling messages people understand and can
act upon. Ask people what they want, and listen with empathy. Communicate often with customers
and your target audience.

In an interdependent world, everyone needs help, advice, guidance and counsel. Being a source
of support-ability to others, you put yourself on the side of the angels. There is a new model of
leadership-ability for the new millennium. The days of the authoritative patriarch as leader are gone.

A 21st century leader is a servant-leader.

In a business world where customer contact is more like a hit-and-run accident, it feels wonderful
to have people there to support you when you need it. If you genuinely like to support and help others,
they will help and support you in return. Reciprocity is one of the oldest, most primitive and strongest
of all human drives. In the 21st century world of virtual business, and The Virtual Entrepreneur™ your
success will be proportional to your ability to help.

Provide support to others and watch people line up at your door.

Help people access the Three R's... resources, relationships and results.

What resources do you have to share?
Which relationships can you offer?
What results can you help people produce, or problems do you help solve?

Provide the Three R's and you'll forever be in people's favor.

Build your cred-ability with useful information that transports, and communication that helps.
When they are ready to buy, you stand out. Often you stand alone, #1 in line.

Even if you don't get rewarded directly, the universe has a way of balancing things out.
After all, what goes around, usually comes around.

This Week's Business Skill for Life:

Scratch someone's I.T.C.H every day, and watch people beat a path to your door!

Provide information, transportation, communication and help.


Join these FREE phone calls this week. All times are eastern US.
NOTE: Some phone numbers have changed. Please read carefully!

Business and income opportunity night:

Generate $50,000 to $100,000 of Recurring Income for Life
in Three Years, or Less! Secure and ensure your retirement.

For more, click here



Axelrod Learning Exclusive. Do well by doing good. Earn great money and
make a real difference helping others find and fulfill their highest potential.

As a bonus, you'll learn how to rejection-proof your networking, and speak to
anyone, anywhere, anytime about anything.

Click here for Value Profiler Training details...


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Commissions can start between $400.00 and $1,000 and
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We have many articles available for reprint in your publication,
company newsletter, etc. You may use articles written that you
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View samples of back newsletter issues here...

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All you have to do is print the article in its entirety along with the by
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end of each article. I would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy too.

EMAIL... your special request of articles on topics you can use.


Until next time...

Use the Power of Words to Transform Your Life!

Scratch Their I.T.C.H. and Watch People Beat a Path to Your Door!

Join our tele-classes this week.

Mitch Axelrod
Axelrod Learning
Voice: 973-736-1304
Fax: 973-736-3930

Contact Mitch

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