See what the Composite Attitude Survey
and Value Structure Overview look like at the front of our NEW...
Composite Attitude Survey
Analysis - click here
These coaching and consulting pages do not accompany all value profile reports.
The Composite and Value Structure Overview pages provide more depth and require interpretation to get the full meaning and value from them. We explain them in greater detail on our coaching and feedback calls. If you want to get the most value, and have your personal profile interpreted, we suggest personal, one-on-one feedback.
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office at 973-736-1304 or ...
and we can arrange private coaching.
Value Structure Overview is a two page summary of your value structure in the three dimensions of intrinsic, extrinsic and systemic values, in the world and within yourself. This report along with the composite attitude survey provide the source for the rest of the profile report. There are hundreds of different possible combinations here.
Intrinsic value is measured by empathy in
the world, self-esteem in self.
Extrinsic value is measured by practical judgment in the world,
and role awareness in self.
Systemic value is measured by system judgment in the world, self-direction
in self.
The composite attitude survey measures your level of attention, balance and clarity in your view of the world and your view of yourself - on these three levels of value intrinsic, extrinsic and systemic. For a better understanding of each, a short paragraph description of each dimension appears at the bottom of each composite page, AND, a larger description of each dimension of value is found in the Value Structure Overview.
There are four scales of attention: Inattentive, cautious, attentive and over-attentive. This measures HOW MUCH attention you place on this area of value. Attentive and cautious means your attention is more balanced, you can see both sides of things and have more of an ability to be flexible or adapt-able in that dimension. The closer to the middle you are, the more "balanced" your attention, view or value.
Inattentive or over-attentive both reflect a sense of thinking in the extremes. It means you pay too little or too much attention to this area. The more issues you see in the extremes, the greater potential for stress, frustration or dissatisfaction you will experience in that dimension. The more extreme your attention, the more likely it is that you can overlook or miss important information that would make valuing more balanced.
Attention can be described as follows:
Inattentive... "These issues are seldom as they should be." You tend to see what's wrong with things, and "dis-value" what you see in this dimension. You tend to pay little attention, and when you do, you tend to think in terms of what's missing.
Cautious... "These issues often aren't as they should be." You can see both sides, and tend to view issues in this dimension cautiously. Although balanced, you see more of what's wrong with things than what's right, what's missing rather than what's there.
Attentive... "These issues are usually as they should be." You pay positive and balanced attention to these, see the "good" and what works, rather than the "bad" or what's wrong. You tend to be see both sides of situations and issues.
Over-Attentive... "These issues must be the way they are." You can be insistent and dogmatic that this is THE way it is and must be. Over attentive to an area means it get a dis-proportionate amount of your time, attention and value, and can cause you to miss or lack attention in other areas. It can also cause you to become fixated and certain that your way is right.
Attention levels can and do shift as life circumstances change. You are not "locked in" to a certain attention level. It's where you are now. You have control over how much or little attention you pay to these dimensions, and can consciously shift your attention if you feel it will add value, enhance the quality of life, or improve the quantity of your results.
Attention measures how much "air time" these issues get relative to the whole of your thinking and decision-making. It also points out how much balance or extreme thinking you bring to these six dimensions of value.
There are five possible descriptions of CLARITY:
Crystal Clear... you see the whole picture, have excellent insight and keen understanding of that dimension. Like in a panoramic movie where you can see the full 360 degrees of what's around you, you have a clear picture of the front, back and all sides. Although crystal clear, you may not be accessing this capacity fully, especially if you are inattentive or over-attentive to it. Being crystal clear, you do have it, and can call upon it when you pay attention to it.
Another way of looking at clarity is like eyesight, or vision. With 20/20 vision, you see clearly. As your vision gets less clear, you begin to miss some things that you would see clearly with 20/20 vision. As your clarity diminishes, the "field" of what you see diminishes. Crystal clear clarity is like having 20/20 vision in that dimension of value. You are able to see all the possibilities. Whether you pay attention to them is another matter.
Clear... you see most of the picture, have very good insight and understanding. In this level of clarity, you cut off a portion of the view, and may see 270 degrees of the movie theatre in the 'round. You still see very clearly. You do begin to have blind spots, which may or may not interfere with your ability to make good value decisions.
This is like having 20/50 vision, still good enough to see without needing corrective lenses.
Visible... you see less than is present, and experience a more narrow view of what is available. Dimished clarity reduces your alternatives, and you see a smaller range of choices. You have more blind spots, and are sometimes perplexed in situations in this dimension. Visible clarity means it will be harder to make decisions in areas of this dimension, as you see fewer options and alternatives available to you. It's like only seeing 180 degrees of a 360 degree movie.
It's like having 20/100 vision. Without correction, you can stare at a something all day and won't see it any more clearly. Visible clarity usually requires outside support to assist in seeing options and possiblities you might overlook.
Transition... limited and narrowed view of what's available. You are rethinking or unsure of present situation, what to do and how to proceed. You may be confused, and uncertain of your value in this dimension. You have narrowed the options and alternatives and may truly believe you "have no choice" but to do what you must. This can lead to a great deal of tension, upset and difficulty making value choices.
Your vision is blocked. Outside correction can help to remove the blocks and open up the lens. When in transition, it's good to use mentors, trusted advisors and supportable people to help you gain clarity.
Unconventional... you see things from a non-traditional, or unconventional point of view. You don't value the norm or conventional thinking in this dimension, and see things and ways of being others tend to miss or overlook. This doesn't mean you are a non-conformist, or rule-breaker, although both of those tendencies can show up (especially if you are inattentive). It means you see from an unconventional vantage point. This view can be of great value in certain types of jobs, work environments and creative endeavors, where a novel, creative or "out of the box" solution would be valuable.
The composite attitude survey is the one page matrix of your value system. All the reports are drawn from the many different possible combinations on the composite attitude survey.
Value Structure Overview
These two pages "mirror" the composite attitude survey. Each page corresponds to the composite page before it, one for the World and one for the Self. In the Value Structure Overview, you'll find a paragraph summarizing your value structure for that dimension on the composite.
This correlates to the three levels of value in two worlds (world and self) just as the composite attitude does.
In the world, it measures your empathy (intrinsic), practical thinking (extrinsic) and system judgment (systemic).
In the self, it measures self-esteem (intrinsic - WHO you are), role awareness (extrinsic - WHAT you do), and self-direction (systemic - WHERE you're going).
As there is a great deal of information here, and much more below the surface, review your profile(s) a few times.
You can have individual coaching and feedback if you want to have your profile interpreted in-depth. This is done one-on-one. Let us know if you'd like personal feedback and coaching, and we'll be happy to arrange it for you.
Final note...
You have before you an instrument that was 50 years in the making. The science of Axiology is the ONLY science that measures human values with mathematical formulas and the science of value logic. You can be sure that if you rank ordered the items according to your personal value, the report is accurate.
Use this as an opportunity to celebrate your unique, irreplaceable, and infinite intrinsic value, and as a way to achieve higher and better market value. Also, realize that your profile reflects YOUR decision-making process and how YOU think. You are not forever locked into a pattern, or limited to any particular kind of thinking.
You have the power within you to experience a wonderful life, enjoy your livelihood and earn a more prosperous living. The Value Profile is your map, the operating guide and owner's manual to the one thing that governs your life - YOUR THINKING.
Chart your course, set your sail and use this opportunity to make the future all you want it to be.
All my very best to you for a rewarding and fulfilling life, livelihood and living.
Mitch Axelrod, CEO - Chief Encouragement
P.S. Want to earn more income as a trainer, coach or consultant? Join our...
The Value Profiler training program is self paced HOME-STUDY. Learn at your own speed, you can be running and giving feedback on profiles in 30 days or less, charging $50 to $100 an hour or more for coacing and feedback, earning hundreds of dollars from each profile you run, and potentially, thousands each month.
If you would like to speak with us further,
call our offices at 1-973-736-1304 or